Custom Micro Works, L.L.C.

Governmental Suite (GS) Revision History (Version 5.XX . . .)

Version 6.06 (1/1/2015)

1) Made minor change to Form 1096 (BA/Reports/Print Form 1099, Form 1096). The "X" was removed for the Form 1096, Box 6. After printing the form you will need to simply check the appropritate selection for Box 6 indicating the type of Form 1099 being filed (likely Form 1099 MISC).

Version 6.05 (12/21/2014)

1) Updated tax rates and tax tables for paychecks issued on or after January 1, 2015.

Version 6.04 (10/23/2014)

1) Special modification to billing delinquency cards that affects only one city.

2) Modified startup procedure to copy GSEntities.accdb to GSDatabases folder.

3) Modified an installation startup procedure to register a special Windows file that is sometimes found to be missing.

4) Added a new PR employee detail report to help with conversion to the new program (PR/Employee Data).

Version 6.03 (8/6/2014)

1) Added a new city to the Utility Billing electronic meter reading list of users.

2) Minor change related to the CMW website address.

Version 6.02 (5/26/2014)

1) Corrected a payroll problem when calculating employee deduction and employer contribution amounts in which income from specifically designated pay types are excludable from the calculation. The error did not affect the original paycheck calculation. Rather it affected the calculation if the paycheck was re-calculated (i.e., edited).

Version 6.01 (5/7/2014)

1) Corrected a problem related to the cash receipts deposit procedure (BA/Cash Receipts Deposit).

Version 6.00 (4/27/2014)

1) Made modifications to comply with the State of KS financial statement reporting format (BA/Reports/AFR Financial Statements - Budgetary Basis).

Version 5.99 (4/24/2014)

1) Added a new electronic water meter reading vendor (UB/Setup/Electronic Meter Readings).

2) Updated the GS download document Cash Receipt Problems.

Version 5.98 (4/18/2014)

1) Made minor modification to the new Utility Billing electronic meter reader vendor (UB/Setup/Electronic Meter Readings).

Version 5.97 (4/17/2014)

1) New Utility Billing electronic meter reader vendor added (UB/Setup/Electronic Meter Readings). The related documentation was also made available as a download document.

Version 5.96 (4/9/2014)

1) Redesigned the GS startup procedures to avoid possible security issues with accessing database files.

Version 5.95 (4/9/2014)

1) Revised a payroll adjustment edit to prevent processing a payroll adjustment unless the original paycheck has been printed and posted.

2) Corrected a problem generating the budgetary status fund summary report (BA/Reports/Fund Summary (Monthly Reports). This problem involved only a single rare circumstance, and therefore it is very unlikely that it affected you. The problem involved encumbrance adjustments that were liquidated on the first day of the fiscal year. If the problem affected you it would have been discovered during the month-end BA reconciliation procedures.

Version 5.94 (1/31/2014)

1) Modified the Utility Billing customer payment and posting procedures to correct a problem related to the new OTC/DBC feature (UB/Customer Payments). Under certain circumstances the old procedures would not allow you to edit the customer payment made by credit card because the payment was mistakenly disignated as being posted.

If you think you might have encountered this problem call technical support. We can help you work around it.

Version 5.93 (1/19/2014)

1) Made minor modifications to the Utility Billing beginning balance procedures. Added a new feature to allow you to re-calculate a single customer's unpaid carryover balance or credit (UB/Setup/Starting a New Year).

Version 5.92 (1/12/2014)

1) Corrected a problem with an informational message being displayed inappropriately with certain customer payments (UB/Customer Payments).

Version 5.91 (1/12/2014)

1) Modified backup procedures to match website changes.

Version 5.90 (1/5/2014)

1) Corrected a problem with the monthly summary of cash receipts and cash disbursements (BA/Reports/Fund Summary). It is unlikely you experienced this problem because it only occurs in very specific circumstances and you would have noticed the problem very quickly.

2) Corrected a problem with the payroll unemployment report (PR/Reports/State and Federal Unemployment Tax Reports). It is unlikely you experienced this problem because it only occurs in very specific circumstances and you would have noticed the problem very quickly.

3) Enabled the Year-End Closing Stage 2 document to be downloaded.

Version 5.89 (12/26/2013)

1) Updated payroll tax rates and withholding tables effective for paychecks issued on or after January 1, 2014.

Version 5.88 (12/16/2013)

1) Modified cash receipt procedures (BA/Cash Receipts) and customer payment procedures (UB/Customer Payments), in part to accommodate credit card customer payments.

2) Added a new feature that allows you to Minimize the OTC Cash Receipt window. To use this feature without closing other GS windows you can start two "instances" of GS on the same computer. On one of the two instances of GS you can select OTC Cash Receipts and minimize the window when it is not in use. The second instance of GS can be used in the normal way to access all other GS functions.

3) Added a new OTC Daily Cash Receipt report (OTC Cash Receipt).

4) Modified the Utility Billing customer payment procedures regarding the retrieval of OTC cash receipts (UB/Customer Payments). Previously when a payment was retrieved the payment amount was locked and could not be edited. Now the retrieval amount can be over-ridden. This is necessary in cases where the customer payment includes an "over-payment" portion that does not constitute a payment on account.

5) Modified the ACH procedures for Utility Billing customer payments and direct deposit paychecks. Some ACH coding changes were made.

6) Discontinued the Net Pay Bonus feature (PR/Net Pay Bonus).

7) Added some new and changed some current download documents (Word format) - Cash Receipt Procedures, OTC Cash Receipt Procedures, Daily Cash Receipts Summary Worksheet, Bank Deposits Insurance Coverage - Month-End Documentation, and Memo to File (paper and electronic versions).

Version 5.87 (10/7/2013)

1) Made changes to payroll records for specific city.

Version 5.86 (10/2/2013)

1) Modified payroll report Payroll Cost By Fund to include subtotals by fund (PR/Reports/Payroll Costs By Fund and By Employee.

2) Made changes to payroll records for specific city.

Version 5.85 (10/1/2013)

1) Made minor changes to backup procedures.

Version 5.84 (9/29/2013)

1) Changed cash receipt edit feature to allow editing of a negative cash receipt that was posted to Budgetary Accounting from Utility Billing (BA/Cash Receipts).

Version - Not Changed (9/15/2013)

1) Revised the download document Cash Receipt Problems (9/15/2013).

2) Added a new download document Cash Receipt Procedures (9/15/2013).

Version 5.83 (8/28/2013)

1) Changed the Utility Billing meter detail screen to allow up to ten characters for the Radio Number (UB/Setup/Meter Information). Previously the maximum was nine characters.

2) Added a new electronic meter reading report to allow printing records in Radio Number order (UB/Setup/Electronic Meter Readings).

3) Added a new Utility Billing electronic meter reader vendor - Versa Probe (UB/Setup/Electronic Meter Readings).

Version 5.82 (7/21/2013)

1) Corrected a minor problem with meter reading sheets (UB/Reports/Meter Reading Sheets).

2) Modified the procedures used to create paycheck records (PR/Paychecks - Create New and Edit Old Records). The new procedures correct a potential problem in processing payroll adjustments on previously issued paychecks.

Version 5.81 (6/30/2013)

1) Minor correction to procedure to create monthly cash basis fund summary reports.

2) Modified monthly Expenditure Approval Report (BA/Reports/Expenditure Approval Report).

Version 5.80 (6/9/2013)

1) Modified the Payroll posting procedures for direct deposit paychecks (PR/Post Paychecks to Budgetary Accounting).

2) Modified the Utility Billing meter reading sheets (UB/Reports/Meter Reading Sheets).

Version 5.79 (5/18/2013)

1) Minor changes to the Utility Billing electronic meter reading procedures (UB/Setup/Electronic Meter Readings).

2) Acitivated the first Utility Billing electronic meter reading vendor (UB/Setup/Electronic Meter Readings).

3) Corrected a problem with the fund summary budgetary status report (BA/Reports/Fund Summary (Monthly Statements)). This problem involved a very specific type of transaction. You likely were not affected by it or you should have recognized it during your monthly reconciliation procedures.

Version 5.78 (5/5/2013)

1) Corrected a problem when creating budgeted receipts (BA/Setup/Detailed Budgeted Receipts). The problem was limited to duplicating a single fund. It is unlikely the problem affected you or you would have known and reported it.

2) Corrected a problem with ACH payment setup procedures. The problem only surfaced in certain rara circumstances and you would have received an error message if the problem affected you.

3) Corrected a problem with the fund summary budgetary status report (BA/Reports/Fund Summary (Monthly Reports)). The budgetary status report was not picking up cancelled encumbrances for encumbrance adjustments. The same correction was made to the fund detail reports (BA/Reports/Fund Detail (Year-End Statements)).

4) Modified the budgetary expenditure detail report to include vendor name (BA/Reports/Budgetary Expenditure Detail By Fund).

5) Added a new feature to the Utility Billing module. The new feature allows you to incorporate electronic meter reading (UB/Setup/Electronic Meter Readings).

Important: We are still testing the procedures but you should contact us if you plan to use this feature. We need to know in advance what electronic meter reading equipment you are using to determine if we can support it!

Version 5.77 (4/28/2013)

1) Added a new feature allowing you to print detailed meter readings and usage amounts for individual customers (UB/Reports/Utility Usage Report).

2) Modified numerous Utility Billing reports to properly display route sequence numbers as a decimal.

3) Made minor change to billing adjustments screen (UB/Adjustments to Billings).

4) Made minor change to billings (UB/Print Billings). The route and sequence numbers were removed.

5) Note: You might have noticed the cash receipt deposits selection screen was modified temporarily to accomodate a GS user. The selection screen has been restored to its previous state.

Version 5.76 (4/18/2013)

1) Made minor modification to the Estimated Water Usage feature for sewer rates based on water usage (UB/Setup/Estimated Water Usage).

2) Made minor modification to the cash receipts deposit screen (BA/Cash Receipts Deposit).

Version 5.75 (4/14/2013)

1) Modified the procedures related to using sewer utility rates based on water usage (UB/Setup/Estimated Water Usage). Refer to the new download document for detailed information.

IMPORTANT: If you are using sewer rates based on water usage, the old procedures will no longer work. If you have questions, please contact technical support.

Version 5.74 (4/8/2013)

1) Made minor modification to the "AFR" financial statements (BA/Reports/AFR Financial Statements - Budgetary Basis). Specifically the titles were changed to add "Actual and Budget."

Version 5.73 (4/4/2013)

1) Updated the download document related to Backup procedures.

2) Modified the electronic check procedures (BA/Create Electronic Check Records). The method of determining the electronic payment number (EPNumber) has been changed.

Version 5.72 (3/16/2013)

1) Made updates to records for two cities.

Version 5.71 (3/4/2013)

1) Modified the AFR report procedures to print the fund summary report in Kansas format as a single report (BA/Reports/AFR Financial Statements - Budgetary Basis).

2) Updated the AFR financial statements to satisfy KMAAG requirements (BA/Reports/AFR Financial Statements - Budgetary Basis).

3) Modified the delinquency cards to add the city's U.S. Postal Permit Number (UB/Delinquent Accounts).

4) Modified billing cards to move stub information to the right slightly (UB/Print Billings).

Version 5.70 (2/24/2013)

1) Added a new feature to allow you to print "collection notices" as a substitute to printing the traditional delinquency letters (UB/Delinquent Accounts). Such notices are designed to be used by cities that do not operate any metered utilities.

Version 5.69 (2/22/2013)

1) Modified the billing calculation (for only a single city).

Version 5.68 (2/21/2013)

1) Corrected a problem with OTC Cash Receipts related to the addition of the OTC void feature added with Ver. 5.67.

Version 5.67 (2/17/2013)

1) Added a feature to allow you to void an OTC cash receipt entry (Main Menu/OTC Cash Receipts).

2) Added a caution message when attempting to make a correction to a utility billing rate code (UB/Setup/Utility Rates).

3) Correct a problem with the vendors report to display vendors subject to Form 1099 reporting requirements (BA/Setup/Vendors).

4) Corrected a problem when duplicating budget expenditure detail records in certain circumstances (BA/Setup/Detailed Budgeted Expenditures).

Version 5.66 (1/29/2013)

1) Corrected records for a single city.

Version 5.65 (1/28/2013)

1) Corrected a problem with the procedure that rolls forward the beginning fund cash balances from the end of the prior year (2012) to the beginning of the new year (2013) (BA/Setup/Starting a New Year). It is very unlikely the problem affected you, but you can contact technical support if you have questions.

2) Corrected corrupted records for a single city.

Version 5.64 (1/12/2013)

1) Minor modification to the presentation of the Utility Billing billing card (UB/Print Billings).

2) Modified the Utility Billing Delinquent Accounts procedures to permit certain users to roll forward customer balances to the new year sooner than previously possible (UB/Delinquent Accounts).

3) Year-End Closing Stage 3 document ready for download.

Version 5.63 (1/6/2013)

1) Added two edits to the cash receipt and cash receipt deposit procedures to facilitate the Budgetary Accounting month-end reconciliation (i.e., to prevent data entry errors that cause reconciliation problems).

2) Year-End Closing Stage 2 document ready for download.

Version 5.62 (1/3/2013)

1) Updated payroll withholding tables effective for paychecks issued in 2013 in accordance with IR-2013-1, dated Janauary 3, 2013 (IRS Guidance). The updated tables supersede the tables issued on December 31, 2012.

The new tables in GS are dated January 2, 2013 to distinguish them from the superseded tables which were dated January 1, 2013 (BA/Setup/Tax Tables).

2) Revised the AFR financial statements based on new state guidance issued and used by some Kansas municipalities for 2011 (BA/Reports).

Version 5.61 (1/1/2013)

1) Updated payroll tax rates and withholding tables effective for paychecks issued in 2013 in accordance with IR-2012-105 (IRS Guidance).

IR-2012-105, dated December 31,2012, states in part: "Employers should start using the new withholding tables and correct the amount of Social Security tax withheld as soon as possible in 2013, but not later than Feb. 15, 2013. For any Social Security tax under-withheld before that date, employers should make the appropriate adjustment in workers' pay as soon as possible, but not later than March 31, 2013."

In issuing this guidance the IRS notes that Congress is currently considering legislation that could affect these rates. If enacted the IRS will issue new tables at that time.

2) Modified the Utility Billing customer payment procedures to allow you to post OTC Receipt Book entries as customer payments (UB/Customer Payments).

3) Modified the composition of cash report to add subtotals (Banking/Composition of Cash).

4) Made a cosmetic change to the fund detail screen (BA/Setup/Funds Listing).

Version 5.60 (12/18/2012)

1) Minor correction to payroll that affects a single city.

Version 5.59 (12/16/2012)

1) Minor correction to payroll that affects a single city.

Version 5.58 (12/9/2012)

1) Added a new Electronic Cash Receipt Book feature (OTC Cash Receipts). Refer to the related download document for more information.

2) Added an edit to the Pay Detail edit screen to prevent the check number from being changed to a previously used check number (PR/View/Paychecks).

3) Disabled a payroll calculation procedure edit that checked whether the social security deduction was equal (or not equal) to the related employer contribution. The edit is not needed because the two amounts are not supposed to be equal.

4) Made minor changes to the paycheck stub.

5) Expanded the Utility Billing accounts receivable report options (UB/Reports/Accounts Receivable Report). The report can be printed in summary (one line per customer) in both name order and account number order, and in detail in both name order and account number order. The report can be printed for a single customer or all customers.

6) The download document Payroll Month-End Reconciliation Procedures has been revised. New procedures have been added to provide instructions on how to handle the Payroll Clearing Fund reconciliation when it is off at month-end by a penny or two.

7) Corrected a problem with a city's corrupted paper check record.

Version 5.57 (11/14/2012)

1) Corrected a problem with the fund detail reports (BA/Reports/Fund Detail (Year-End Statements) and the AFR Financial Statements - Budgetary Basis). These reports are designed for year-end reporting. The problem was that the beginning unencumbered cash balance was not picking up prior year encumbrance adjustments (a new feature added in 2012).

2) Made minor change to the display date on the screens that are used to print Annual Financial Report Statements (BA/Reports).

3) Modified the procedures to create customer utility billing records (UB/Billing Records - Create New and Edit Old Records). The new procedures allow a billing date to be in advance of the service period (i.e., customers can be billed in advance of services being provided).

Version 5.56 (10/16/2012)

1) Corrected a problem when creating check records in which, under certain circumstances, a check record for a zero dollar amount was created (BA/Create Paper Check Records.

Version 5.55 (9/30/2012)

1) Made minor modification to the Utility Billing ACH procedures (UB/Create ACH Payment or Pre-Note File).

Version 5.54 (9/8/2012)

1) Made minor modification to the PR employee data benefit/deduction screen (PR/Employee Data). Specifically, only active benefit/deduction records are displayed in the list box for selection to be assigned to the employee.

2) Modified the Utility Billing delinquent accounts screen (UB/Delinquent Accounts). The screen was "re-arranged" and a new feature was added to allow you to Select (or UnSelect) delinquent accounts to be printed. The delinquent report, labels, and notices have not been changed.

Version 5.53 (9/3/2012)

1) Modified the Utility Billing customer payment procedure to distribute the payment to the various utilities based on amount owed to the utility, starting with the smallest amount owed (UB/Customer Payments).

2) Corrected a problem with the procedure to create paper check records (BA/Create Paper Check Records). The problem arose with multiple-line invoices in which different line items were charged to multiple bank accounts.

Version 5.52 (8/25/2012)

1) Corrected a problem generating Payroll direct deposit pre-note text files (PR/Create Direct Deposit or Pre-Note File).

Version 5.51 (8/14/2012)

1) Added an edit to the procedure that creates the vendor ACH text file (BA/Create Vendor ACH Payment or Pre-Note File). The edit checks to make sure the vendors for all invoices selected have an approved Pre-Note.

2) Added an edit to prevent you from voiding an electronic check (BA/Void Checks). The alternative is to delete (remove) the electronic check (BA/Create Electronic Check Records).

Version 5.50 (8/6/2012)

1) Corrected a problem in which an invoice designated to be paid by electronic payment could possibly become corrupted. It is unlikely you experienced this problem, because you would have had a problem with the BA monthly reconciliation.

Version 5.49 (8/1/2012)

1) Added a new UB customer deposit report (UB/Customer Deposits). The new report allows you to print a report of all customer deposits currently being held (i.e., unpaid deposits).

Version 5.48 (7/22/2012)

1) Added two new reports to help you with budget analysis. The first is budgetary receipt detail by fund and grouped by budget receipt code (BA/Reports/Budgetary Receipt Detail By Fund). The second is budgetary expenditure detail by fund and grouped by budget object code (BA/Reports/Budgetary Expenditure Detail By Fund).

2) Made a minor change to the fund detail report (BA/Reports/Fund Detail (Year-End Statements)).

Version 5.47 (7/19/2012)

1) Corrected a problem with the month-end fund summary reports (BA/Reports/Fund Summary). This problem was related to the new Encumbrance Adjustments feature added in the previous upgrade. It would have affected your reports only if you entered an Encumbrance Adjustment and dated it in the prior budget year, which is very unlikely.

Version 5.46 (7/16/2012)

1) Added a new feature that allows you to enter encumbrance adjustments (BA/Encumbrance Adjustments).

2) Modified the Utility Billing Meter Reading Cards (UB/Reports/Meter Reading Cards).

Version 5.45 (7/2/2012)

1) Corrected a problem printing utility billing labels (UB/Print Billings).

2) Corrected a problem that affected one GS user.

Version 5.44 (6/18/2012)

1) Corrected a problem that affected one GS user.

Version 5.43 (6/17/2012)

1) Added a new feature to the Utility Billing module to allow you to track special procedures for specific customers (UB/Setup/Customer Special Procedures). This feature only tracks the special procedures. It is not integrated with any financial-related transactions in the Utility Billing module.

2) Made minor changes to financial reports printed for the annual financial report (BA/Reports/AFR Financial Statements - Budgetary Basis).

3) Added an edit to prevent you from entering a negative cash receipt (BA/Cash Receipts).

Version 5.42 (5/22/2012)

1) Changed the billing calculation procedures to include fuel adjustments as part of the utility bill when making the comparison to minimum payment for each utility's billing. Previously the minimum payment comparison was made before adding the fuel adjustment.

2) Modified the utility customer deposits report (UB/Customer Deposits).

3) Corrected a problem with the Utility Billing delinquency cards (UB/Delinquent Accounts). The fourth line of the customer's address was incorrectly being printed above the first line for the second (bottom) card of each sheet.

Version 5.41 (5/19/2012)

1) Corrected a problem in which year-end payroll encumbrances were printed on the check stub of a non-payroll check to an employee. This problem ocurred only in certain circumstances and has been fixed. This problem did not affect any financial reports, nor did it affect the non-payroll check to the employee other than the apprearance of the stub.

2) Made minor modifications to the procedures that create check records in Budgetary Accounting module.

Version 5.40 (4/25/2012)

1) Changed an edit in the deposits and withdrawals procedures to prevent you from deleting a deposit tied to cash receipts in Budgetary Accounting (Banking/Deposits and Withdrawals). Previously a caution message was displayed.

2) Made a minor modification to the budgetary receipt summary report (BA/Reports/Budgetary Receipt Detail By Fund). The subtotal description was changed.

3) Modified the Composition of Cash report screen (Banking/Composition of Cash).

4) Modified the Utility Billing card format to be compatible with new stamp machines.

5) Modified the Utility Billing delinquency card format to reserve space at the bottom of the card for US Postal Service rules (UB/Delinquent Accounts).

Version 5.39 (4/4/2012)

1) Made minor modification to the customer utility billing that is reprinted from historical records on the Customer Assistance screen (UB/Customer Assistance).

2) Made minor modifications to the vendor ACH payments screen (BA/Create Vendor ACH Payment or Pre-Note File). For an invoice to apprear in the listing and be selected for inclusion in an ACH text file: a) an electronic check must have been created for the invoice, and b) the vendor must be an Active "ACH" vendor.

Version 5.38 (3/25/2012)

1) Corrected a problem with the Utility Billing delinquency report (UB/Delinquent Accounts). The problem involved only Level Pay customers. The delinquent amount for Level Pay customers was being reported as the unpaid balance and instead should be reported as the Level Pay amount the customer did not pay when due.

2) Modified the procedures to void a check dated in the prior budget year (BA/Void Checks). The related download document has also been updated. The primary changes to the document relate to voiding a check issued in a prior budget year to be consistent with the new procedures.

Version 5.37 (3/21/2012)

1) Corrected a problem with the Municipal Court report that tests for errors. Under certain defendant payment circumstances the report indicated a false error.

2) Corrected a problem with Utility Billing ACH payments (UB/Create ACH Payment or Pre-Note File). For "Level Pay" customers only, if the total amount owed on the billing was less than zero, the ACH payment was not being picked up. You can create a separate ACH payment file for these customers for prior billings by selecting only those billings when they appear in the listing of ACH payment for the selected billing date. Please contact technical support if you need assistance or have questions.

Version 5.36 (3/18/2012)

1) Modified the Budgetary Expenditure reports (BA/Reports/Budgetary Expenditure Detail By Fund). The new summary report provides subtotals by fund.

2) Modified the Utility Billing customer detail screen to include an Inactivation Date (UB/Setup/Customers).

3) Modified the Utitlity Billing Accounts Receivable report to include only customers with a non-zero balance (UB/Reports/Accounts Receivable Report).

4) Added a new Budgetary Accounting download document - How to Handle a Cash Receipt Reduced By a Handling or Collection Fee.

5) Modified the Budgetary Accounting download document - How to Void and Reprint checks. Specifically, the section How to Void a Check Dated in a Prior Year was changed.

6) Removed the GS "Help" manuals (GS/Help). These documents were outdated and all of the currently maintained Help documents can be found on the GS downloads page of the website.

Version 5.35 (3/5/2012)

1) Modified the procedures creating electronic checks to correct a problem in certain circumstances (BA/Create Electronic Check Records). It is unlikely you experienced a problem, but if you did you would discover it during your monthly reconciliation.

Version 5.34 (2/11/2012)

1) Revised GS downloads document How to Handle Expenditures Made By Credit Card or Debit Card.

2) Added a new feature to the Utility Billing customer type reports (UB/Reports/Customer Type Reports). The new feature allows you to print usage reports.

3) Modified several banking reports (Bank Account Reconciliation, Outstanding Checks, and Composition of Cash) to exclude voided checks. This change has no impact on the fund accounting reports.

4) Made minor changes to several Utility Billing reports, such as sorting of records and title descriptions.

5) Created two separate environments to use the Municipal Court module (Old environment and New environment). This is necessary to allow you to continue to work in the Old environment while you test in the New environment. This is all being done in the background and you should not notice any changes at this time.

The changes required by the State are pervasive, meaning they affect virtually the entire system. In turn, this means an almost complete re-design and re-write of all parts of the Court module. We will keep you updated on the progress. For now, you will be automatically set to work in the Old environment. When the New environment is ready you will be allowed to switch back and forth between the New and the Old environments.

Version 5.33 (1/28/2012)

1) Modified the View Paychecks edit screen to allow you to enter miscellaneous deduction descriptions (PR/View Paychecks). Previously you could only add the deduction or contribution amount.

2) Corrected a problem with the payroll reports that show payroll costs by fund (PR/Reports/Payroll Costs By Fund and By Employee).

3) Modified the Pay Detail report to include all gross pay amounts in the pay detail record. Previously only the "Regular" gross pay was shown in the report (PR/Inquiry - Pay Detail Report).

The "Regular" gross pay is the amount calculated based on the number of units (e.g., hours) entered for each pay type. Depending on the employee's status and the various deductions, a different gross pay might be calculated for social security, medicare, federal withholding tax, state withholding tax, federal unemployment tax, and state unemployment tax.

4) The Year-End Closing document, Stage 5, was released for download.

Version 5.32 (1/20/2012)

1) Corrected a problem with the Payroll Adjustments procedure (PR/Payroll Adjustments).

2) Made a minor modification to the Utility Billing meter readings entry screen. The beginning and ending service period dates for non-meter utilities are set to the beginning and ending billing dates by default. These default dates can still be over-ridden.

3) Modified the Form 941 payroll tax report (PR/Reports/Form 941 Quarterly Tax Report).

Version 5.31 (1/7/2012)

1) Added a new feature to the Utility Billing module that allows you to quickly select the new Customer Assistance screen (UB/Customer Assistance). This screen allows you to print a year-to-date detail report of a customer's billings and payments (it will not provide detail for the prior year). Also, you can reprint any current or prior year billing for the customer.

2) Modified the Utility Billing Meter Reading Sheet (UB/Reports/Meter Reading Sheets). Previously, utilities were shown on the reading sheet that did not apply to the customer. With this change, only the utilities assigned to the customer will be shown on the sheet.

3) Modified the procedure to create Utility Billing beginning balances to allow you to exit the routine after currently existing balances have been deleted (UB/Setup/Starting a New Year).

4) Added a 12/31/2007 beginning balance in the Utility Billing module in cases where there were no beginning balances. To view the record use UB/Setup/Customer Beginning Unpaid Balances. This record is needed for new users that have never created beginning balances in the past.

Version 5.30 (1/1/2012)

1) Modified the Utility Billing procedures that update (roll forward) customer unpaid balances (credits) for the new year (UB/Setup/Starting a New Year).

Note: After the updated balances have been created you can edit them and print related reports using UB/Setup/Customer Beginning Unpaid Balances. A beginning balance record will actually have a "year-end" date for the prior year. For example, the beginning balance for 2012 will be dated 12/31/2011.

These balances should tie to the related accounts receivable report. To compare the two, you must print the Beginning Customer Unpaid Balances reports in two parts: 1) Payments (customer overpayments representing credits), and 2) Billings (customer unpaid balances).

2) Corrected a problem in which social security gross and medicare gross were being calculated improperly. This problem would affect you only if you have employee deductions that are excludable from gross for social security and/or medicare.

3) Modified the payroll tax report Form 941 to display social security gross and medicare gross separately (PR/Reports/Form 941 Quarterly Information Report).

Version 5.29 (12/26/2011)

1) Updated payroll tax rates and tables for 2012. Please be sure to check to make sure the 2012 rates were installed.

Unemployment tax rates were rolled over to 2012 from 2011. You might have to update these rates for 2012.

KPERS Tier 1 (original KPERS) and KPERS Tier 2 have NOT been updated for you automatically. You will have to make those changes under PR/Setup/Benefits and Deductions. The following KPERS rates, and their effective dates, will apply in 2012:

KPERS Tier 1:

July 1, 2011, Employee 4 percent, Employer 8.34 percent

April 1, 2012, Employee 4 percent, Employer 7.34 percent

July 1, 2012, Employee 4 percent, Employer 8.34 percent

KPERS Tier 2:

July 1, 2011, Employee 6 percent, Employer 8.34 percent

April 1, 2012, Employee 6 percent, Employer 7.34 percent

July 1, 2012, Employee 6 percent, Employer 8.34 percent

Version 5.28 (12/10/2011)

1) Changed the payroll calculation procedures to do independent calculations of the social security deduction and the medicare deduction. Previously the two were either deducted or not deducted as a pair. With this change the two deductions are calculated independently.

2) Added a new default benefit/deduction for KPERS Tier 2 (Kansas).

Version 5.27 (12/4/2011)

1) Corrected a problem in the Net Pay Bonus procedures to prevent a possible required benefit/deduction from being excluded in the paycheck calculation in certain circumstances. You likely would have noticed if there was a missing deduction or benefit so long as you were reviewing the Pay Detail.

2) Updated the following download documents: Year-End Closing (12/3/2011) and GS Installation Instructions (12/4/2011).

Important: You should download the Year-End Closing document (Budgetary Accounting). You can learn a lot by becoming familiar with the year-end closing procedures. Do Not, I repeat, Do Not get overwhelmed with the year-end procedures. We will walk you through the steps starting in early January. You will have plenty of time to learn this stuff and get the work done. As part of the year-end closing, you will need to verify that your beginning cash balances and beginning unencumbered cash balances at 1/1/2011 agree with the same balances as of 12/31/2010 as shown in your 2010 audit report. IF you have reconciled Budgetary Accounting records through 11/30/2011, you can perform this verfication now. Do not hesitate to contact Technical Support if you need help.

Note: IF you are reconciled as of 11/30/2011 AND you have tied your beginning balances to your 2010 audit report, you should have no problems at all with year-end closing.

Version 5.26 (11/30/2011)

1) Made a couple of superficial changes to the Net Pay Bonus screen in the Payroll Module.

Version 5.25 (11/28/2011)

1) Added special edits to prevent you from editing or doing a payroll adjustment on a Net Pay Bonus paycheck.

Version 5.24 (11/27/2011)

1) Added two new features to allow you to check the integrity of the payroll data (PR/Reports/PR Data Verification).

The first selection compares Gross Pay data and Pay Detail data. The second selection compares Payroll Postings data and Pay Detail data.

These features are primarily diagnostic tools to provide assurance that the payroll data is accurate. Normally if a problem is indicated you should contact technical support.

To check your payroll data follow these steps:

a) Select PR/REports/PR Data Verification (first selection).

b) Click on Update Listing.

c) Highlight (select) the first record in the listing.

d) Press the Down Arrow key to move to the next record.

e) Repeat. You can review all of your records in about one minute.

f) Select PR/Reports/PR Data Verification (second selection).

g) Repeat.

2) Added a new feature that allows you to create a "Net Pay Bonus" paycheck (PR/Net Pay Bonus - Pay Calculation). If you are interested in trying it contact technical support and we will walk you through it.

Version 5.23 (11/22/2011)

1) Corrected a payroll problem in which the employee's summary of gross pay by pay type was not printed on the paycheck stub. This problem affected only the paycheck stub. The underlying data in the database is not corrupted.

Version 5.22 (11/21/2011)

1) Corrected a problem when editing or deleting a payroll paycheck record. You likely would know if you experienced the problem because you would not be able to edit a paycheck record. If you are not sure, call technical support and we can help you check if there is a problem we need to look at.

Version 5.21 (11/15/2011)

1) Added a new feature that allows you to print payroll detail and summary reports designed specifically to assist in preparing W-2 forms. This new procedure allows you to print a report for all employees (for use if you contract out the preparation of W-2 forms) or in groups of 20 employees (for use if you prefer to enter your W-2 information online using the IRS website.

Of course, you can still print your W-2 and W-3 forms as in the past.

2) Reformatted Form W-3 (Payroll) and Form 1096 (Budgetary Accounting). Both forms were changed slightly for 2011 reporting. This would affect you only if you print your own W-2s and 1099s.

3) Corrected a problem in which not all utility billing delinquent accounts were being processed (UB/Delinquent Accounts).

4) Added several new default object codes. This only affects new GS users when they start up.

Version 5.20 (11/2/2011)

1) Corrected a minor problem in which an error message would pop up on the screen after "removing" an electronic check record (BA/Create Electronic Check Reords).

2) Modified the procedures when deleting a utility customer payment or an employee paycheck record after the payment or paycheck has been posted. In certain circumstances the related distribution records (posting records) might not have been deleted if you had compacted the database after the posting. You can only compact the database using the "Back Up" screen on exiting GS and clicking on Compact and Repair.

Version 5.19 (10/11/2011)

1) Added an edit to the invoice line item detail screen to prevent changing the amount after a check record has been created.

2) Modified the procedure when changing a utility rate code (UB/Setup/Utility Rates). If a rate code description (5-character) is changed (and the related utility is not changed) you will be given the option of allowing the computer to update the customer records with the new code description for customers that were using the old code. This option is not available if the utility is also changed, in which case the customer record must be updated directly (UB/Setup/Customers).

3) Corrected a problem when printing customers that use a specific utility and rate code combination (UB/Setup/Utility Rates).

Version 5.18 (10/3/2011)

1) Modified the Budgetary Accounting inquiry screen for checks to correct a problem with large bank account numbers with 10 or more digits. There are no problems with data related to this.

2) Added a special procedure for a city to clean up their utility customer payments and posting information.

Version 5.17 (9/25/2011)

1) Made minor change to Voided Checks report (BA/Reports/Listing of Voided Checks). Voided Electronic Payment checks were added to the report.

2) Modified the procedures to create Electronic Check records (BA/Create Electronic Check Records) to prevent voided electronic checks from being displayed.

3) Modified the procedures to create vendor ACH payment text files (BA/Create Vendor ACH Payment or Pre-Note File) to prevent voided electronic checks from being displayed.

Version 5.16 (9/7/2011)

1) Corrected a problem when creating a new utility rate (UB/Setup/Utility Rates). The problem was in adding a new rate and the fund and receipt code was not being picked up properly. You likely did not experience this error unless you received a related error message when you printed utility bills.

2) Made a minor modification to the Utility Billing exceptions report (UB/Reports/Billing Exceptions Report).

Version 5.15 (9/3/2011)

1) Made minor modifications to the Utility Billing card and letter-size printing formats (UB/Print Billings).

2) Modified the Utility Billing exceptions report (UB/Reports/Billing Exceptions Report).

3) Made minor modifications to a label on the Utility Billing posting screen (UB/Post Customer Payments to Budgetary Accounting).

4) Modified the Utility Billing customer entry procedures to prevent the use of zero for an account number (UB/Setup/Customer).

5) Corrected a problem when updating Utility Billing rate codes (UB/Setup/Utility Rates). This would not affect any rates that you are currently using.

Version 5.14 (8/21/2011)

1) Modified the Utility Billing exceptions report (UB/Reports/Billing Exceptions Report).

2) Modified the Utility Billing card format to remove information being printed at the bottom of the billing card. This information was moved to the bottom of the card in a previous upgrade not realizing the US Postal Service was placing a bar code in that area of the card. Also, the customer address had to be moved up on the stub and reduced to a maximum of four address lines. If you are interested in seeing the changes you can print a couple of customer billings on plain paper fairly quickly (UB/Print Billings).

3) Modified the pay stubs on "adjustment" paychecks to display negative employee duduction amounts.

Version 5.13 (8/15/2011)

1) Modified the Utility Billing customer ACH payments report (UB/Create ACH Payment or Pre-Note File). The customer's bank account number was added to the report.

2) Modified the Payroll posting procedures to correct a problem (PR/Post Paychecks to Budgetary Accounting). It is unlikely you experienced any problem. If you did, your monthly reconciliation of the cash basis Fund Summary report to the Budgetary Status report would have exposed the problem.

Version 5.12 (8/12/2011)

1) Modified the procedures to create Utility Billing customer ACH payment files (UB/Create ACH Payment or Pre-Note File).

Version 5.11 (7/31/2011)

1) Added a new feature that allows you to identify utility meters by meter type. You would only be interested in using this feature if you use different rates for the same type of customer, except that they use different types of meters. To use this feature follow these steps:

a) Enter meter types (UB/Setup/Meter Types).

b) Designate the special meter types in the meter records (UB/Setup/Meter Information).

c) Designate in the rate code the Meter Type that applies to that rate (UB/Setup/Utility Rates).

There are built-in controls to check that the rates for special meter types are being properly assigned and used.

Note: For utility rates designed solely for special meter types, you can print a report that identifies all customers using that rate (UB/Setup/Utility Rates).

2) Modified the Meters Information report to reflect meters that you have designated as a special meter type (UB/Setup/Meter Information).

Version 5.10 (7/10/2011)

1) Corrected a problem with the bank account reconciliation (Banking/Bank Reconciliation). The problem was that voided checks were not being recognized as outstanding in months prior to the void date. You would not have experienced any problem with this unless you went back to prior months to print a bank reconcilation.

2) Added a new reporting feature to the BA module. You can now print entity-wide cash basis reports summarized by either department (function) cateory or by object category (BA/Reports/Fund Summary (Monthly Statements)).

3) Made a slight modification to the billing cards (UB/Print Billings). The billing amounts on the card were moved to the left one character.

Note: If any billing amounts are still being printed on or to the right of the vertical perforation, you should move the perforation to the right slightly the next time you order new billing cards.

4) Made a slight modification to the Billings By Utility report procedure (UB/Reports/Billings By Utility Report). The information in the report has not been changed. The generation of the report has been speeded up slightly.

5) Modified the unemployment tax report (PR/Reports/State and Federal Unemployment Tax Reports) to include a special report for non-participating employers.

6) Made a minor modification to the Listing of Voided Checks (BA/Reports/Listing of Voided Checks). The report was changed to list checks based on the date voided rather than the check issue date.

7) Added new Municipal Court reports to assist you to reconcile the year-end Caseload Summary Report. The new reports can be found at Misc/Municipal Court/Reports/Unresolved Cases.

8) Added an edit to the procedure that loads utility bills to be printed (UB/Print Billings). The new edit procedure checks for possible incorrect due dates on the billings to be printed.

9) Added several new default receipt codes related to licenses and permits. This would affect only new GS users.

Version 5.09 (6/10/2011)

1) Added a new feature to assist you in reconciling Utility Billing customer payments (UB/Reports/Customer Payments Reconciliation).

Version 5.08 (6/6/2011)

1) Modified the procedures for entering bank account numbers to allow you to use bank account numbers up to 17 digits in length. The procedures for creating ACH payment text files were also modified. The changes to ACH payment procedures affected all types of such payments: a) ACH payments to vendors (BA), b) ACH payments from customers (UB), and c) employee direct deposit paychecks (PR). The bank account numbers you have entered into the computer up to now have been converted to be compatible with these changes. Please contact technical support if you have any questions.

Version 5.07 (5/31/2011)

1) Modified the procedure when entering Estimated Water Usage for a new utility customer. This modification is related to the new feature provided in GS Ver. 506. This procedure affects only cities that use an "average" water meter reading to calculate the sewer billing amount.

Version 5.06 (5/29/2011)

1) Added new default "department" codes for state and federal grants.

2) Corrected a problem with the GS backup procedures. This problem affected only cities in which the database file did not reside on the computer that GS was installed on. Note: If you are still having trouble using the backup procedures, please give us a call. There is a good chance the problem is related to your computer's security settings.

3) Modified the Utility Billing procedures used to create customer billing records. Specifically the UB customer entry screen (UB/Setup/Customers) was changed to allow you to enter an "Estimated Water Usage" for use in computing that customer's Sewer billing amount IF the customer uses a Sewer rate that is based on water usage. This water usage estimate is used for the Sewer billing calculation only if the customer does not yet have a January, February, or March usage amount to use (i.e., new customers). In this circumstance, if an Estimated Water Usage is not used for the "new" customer, the Sewer billing amount will be the Minimum charge for Sewer.

4) Modified the Utility Billing procedures used to Print utility billings. This new procedure greatly reduces the time to create the document used to print the billings (as viewed on the screen).

Version 5.05 (4/20/2011)

1) Modified Cash Receipt adjustments (BA/Cash Receipt Adjustments) and Expenditure adjustments (BA/Expenditure Adjustments) to allow for similar adjustment transactions on the same date.

2) Added an edit to alert you if there appears to be an improper check date for vendor checks (BA/Print Paper Checks).

Version 5.04 (4/14/2011)

1) Removed the "Progress Bar" image from various Utility Billing reports. This was done because we encountered a problem with the Progress Bar on a single Windows 7 installation. This is not necessarily an improper or faulty Win 7 installation, but it is a problem that is most likely a result of the installation itself. This problem has not been encountered on any of the other Win 7 installations we have done. Although the problem is fixable, we decided to remove the Progress Bar and instead rely on a "record counter" message that still allows you to see the progress of the rpeort's creation.

Version 5.03 (4/12/2011)

1) Re-designed the report for state and federal unemployment tax (PR/Reports/State and Federal Unemployment Tax Reports).

2) Corrected a problem computing the employer's contribution for state unemployment tax. the State Unemployment Tax Report is a good source of information to show employer contribution amounts that were computed (per pay detail records) and the related wage amount that applied for that amount.

Version 5.02 (3/31/2011)

1) Re-designed the Pet License module to simplify the procedures a little, and to make the delinquent report (Misc/Pet Licenses/Reports/Delinquent Pet Licenses) more useful.

2) Corrected a minor problem with the Budgetary Accounting Expenditure Approval Report (BA/Reports/Expenditure Approval Report). This error affected only this report. As a result of having duplicate check numbers for two different bank accounts, the Expenditure Approval Report picked up the wrong vendor name. No other information on the report was incorrectly reported.

Version 5.01 (2/6/2011)

1) Corrected a problem when editing a fund (BA/Setup/Funds Listing). In certain instances the wrong fund type would pop up in the fund detail screen. This problem did not affect the printing of any financial statements.

2) Corrected a problem when editing a fund (BA/Setup/Funds Listing). If you changed a fund number, the budgeted expenditure total did not get properly updated. It is unlikely this affected you because you would have noticed it when you printed the monthly Summary of Cash Receipts, Cash Disbursements and Ending Unencumbered Cash.

Version 5.00 (1/30/2011)

1) Modified the Utility Billing System-Wide Summary Report to correct a possible error in the report if the Budgetary Accounting module and the Utiltiy Billing module were not set to the same beginning-of-year date (UB/Reports/Monthly System-Wide Summary Report). It is unlikely you were affected by this because if you were, there would be no year-to-date figures in the report.

2) Corrected a problem with an eroneous duplicate check. This problem affected only a single city and was not related to GS.

3) Made some modifications to both the Monthly System-Wide Summary Report and the Accounts Receivable Report (UB/Reports). The following comments might help you to understand how these two reports relate to each other:.

The System-Wide Summary includes all utility billings and customer payments while the Accounts Receivable report splits the Active and Inactive customer accounts into two separate reports.

In the System-Wide Summary, the year-to-date Changes in Unpaid Balance should parallel the same information in the two (combined) Accounts Receivable reports.

If the Ending Unpaid Balances are not in agreement in the two reports, the most likely reason is that an inactive customer account number has not been zeroed out.

You should create Utility Billing beginning customer balances sometime in January (UB/Setup/Starting a New Year). If you inactivate an account before creating new beginning balances, a beginning balance will not be created for that account.

Note: If your System-Wide Summary is not in agreement with the Accounts Receivable reports, please upload your database and we should be able to sort it out for you.

Version 4.99 (1/20/2011)

1) Added a new feature that allows you to create a PDF file for the Treasurer's Annual Report (BA/Reports/Fund Summary (Monthly Statements)). When you print the report you will be asked if you would like to create a PDF file. If you select No, the report will print in the usual manner. If you select Yes, the related PDF file will be created in the folder C:\Program Files\GS\GSTextFiles.

2) Modified the detailed benefit deduction report to add employee subtotals and sort by date (PR/Reports/Payroll Benefits and Deductions Report).

3) Corrected a problem related to the address being printed on the utility billing delinquency cards (UB/Delinquent Accounts).

4) Made a minor change to the GS exit screen.

Version 4.98 (1/4/2011)

1) Corrected a problem printing Form 1099 for a single vendor (BA/Reports/Print Form 1099, Form 1096). There was no problem with the related reports or when printing Form 1099s for all vendors at the same time.

Version 4.97 (12/27/2010)

1) Corrected a problem in which the new payroll tax rates for 2011 were not properly activated.

Version 4.96 (12/26/2010)

1) Payroll tax rates and tables updated for paychecks to be issued in 2011. The following updates were made based on IRS Notice 1036 (rev. December 2010): a) social security employee tax rate changed from 6.2% (for 2010) to 4.2% (for 2011), b) the "annual" withholding allowance per exemption increased from 3,650 (for 2010) to 3,700 (for 2011), and c) the "annual" withholding tables (single and married) were updated.

2) Tested new W-2, W-3, 1099, and 1096 forms for proper spacing.

Note: Before printing final W-2s or 1099s, be sure to print the related reports first. Review the reports to make sure you are satisfied with the information. It is always a good idea to compare the reports with the same reports from the prior year as a check for reasonableness.

3) Corrected a problem in which you were able to make a "correction" to payroll benefits and deductions (PR/Setup/Benefits and Deductions). If you get a message when starting GS after installing this upgrade, contact technical support and we will explain how to correct the problem.

4) Provided a new upgrade to VZOchat software on the GS Downloads page (Products/Governmental Suite/Downloads for GS). The new upgrade is at the bottom of the page under Other.

This software is needed for the live web presentations. All YEC participants should install this file in the same way you install a GS upgrade.

At the same time you can open and print a copy of the VZOchat Installation and Startup instructions.

Version 4.95 (12/12/2010)

1) Modified the Utility Billing billing card to display the customer name and account number on the main part of the bill (UB/Print Billings).

2) Added a new report that allows you to print two popular monthly fund summary financial statements on a single page (BA/Fund Summary (Monthly Statements)).

3) Changes were made to the Municipal Court setup records (Misc/Municipal Court/Setup) to allow for a new traffic statute that goes into effect January 1, 2011.

The following records were created: 1) a new Offense, "Testing While Driving" (TX1), 2) a new Suspension Traffic Offense, "Texting While Driving" (TX1), and 3) a new Offense Category, "Other Non-Moving Traffic Violations".

Note: If you already have a "Non-Moving Violations" Offense Category, you should edit the new "Texting While Driving" Offense accordingly. Do not delete the new category at this time, however, because the computer will automatically create another similar record until we issue another GS upgrade. Instead, just don't use the new category.

Version 4.94 (12/6/2010)

1) Added an edit to the invoice detail entry screen to prevent you from deleting an invoice line item from an invoice that has been attached to a check record but not yet printed (BA/Invoices).

2) Added a new feature to perform vendor analyses (BA/Setup/Vendors/Vendor Analysis). The purpose of this feature is NOT to delete vendors. The purpose is to inactivate vendors not being used. Some vendors might be used only once every one or two years. However, if they are still being used, they should not be inactivated.

A new download document has been created discussing how to use this new feature.

3) Modified the title of the Outstanding Purchase Orders report (BA/Reports/Outstanding POs Report).

4) Modified the title of the Unpaid Invoices report (BA/Reports/Unpaid Invoices Report).

5) The download document Year-End Closing has been updated specifically for use in closing the books for 2010.

Version 4.93 (11/22/2010)

1) Modified the Utility Billing billing card format. The card messages were moved from the stub to the portion of the card saved by the customer. Other minor changes were made to accomodate this change.

2) Modified the Utility Billing billing card format. The zip code on the stub was moved to the right to avoid being possibly printed over by the USPS code at the bottom of the card.

3) Added two new Budgetary Accounting download documents - Monthly Procedures for Reconciling Bank Accounts (10/10/2010) and How to Monitor and Delete Payers (11/22/2010).

4) Corrected a problem when deleting Municipal Court test data when testing is completed (GS Startup/Special Procedures/Delete Municipal Court Test Data).

5) Corrected a problem with Utility Billing delinquencies. The problem affected only Level Pay customers who made a payment on the due date of the billing.

6) Added a new feature to allow you to track Utility Billing adjustments using an adjustment type description (UB/Setup/Billing Adjustment Types).

Note: This feature was added at the request of a GS user. It allows you to track pre-arranged overpayments by customers. These overpayments are then applied as credits to customers who are in need of assistance. Please contact technical assistance if you are interested in implementing such a program.

7) Added a new feature to allow you to monitor and delete payers that you record as Received From when entering a cash receipt. Please refer to the related download document for more information on this new feature.

Version 4.92 (10/10/2010)

1) Made a minor change to the Listing of Outstanding Paper Checks (Banking/Outstanding Paper Checks). This report will include voided checks if the void date is greater than the month-end date for the report. An updated description for the vendor clarifies this.

2) Modified the Utility Billing delinquency cards (bottom) to avoid the USPS code from printing over the customer address.

3) When voiding a check (BA/Void Checks) the financial reports will be impacted differently depending on whether the voided check was dated in the prior budget year or the current budget year. When you void a check, a new user message will pop up on the screen alerting you to the need to read the title information on the voided check report that was printed prior to voiding the check.

4) Corrected a problem related to installation of default reportable traffic offenses in the Municipal Court module. This problem affected new installations of GS.

5) Added a new feature to allow you to inactivate bank accounts (Banking/Bank Accounts). If you inactivate a bank account, you will not be able to select the account in the many screens that allow you to select a bank account from the bank account dropdown box.

Important: An inactive bank account will still appear on some screens and reports, such as the composition of cash. However, this should not have an impact so long as the account does not have a cash balance.

6) Modified the procedures for Form 1099 reporting requirements. The new procedures affect only "1099" vendors that report using a social security number rather than an Employer ID number (EIN). To make needed changes use BA/Setup/Form 1099 Vendors and Objects.

Note: For "1099" vendors that report using a social security number, you will need the following information: 1) social security number, 2) the individual's name as reported on his or her tax return, and 3) the individual's business name as reported on his or her tax return.

Suggestion: For "1099" vendors that provide you with an Employer ID number (EIN), check to make sure you have entered the number properly in the vendor record (BA/Setup/Vendors). That is, you should use the same format as used for your EIN (48-NNNNNNN).

7) Updated the Utility Billing download document How to Inactivate Or Delete Customer Account Numbers.

8) Updated the Payroll download document Paycheck Problems.

9) Updated the Payroll download document Startup and Month-End Procedures. Added a section that discusses running all payroll costs through the payroll system.

Version 4.91 (7/29/2010)

1) Modified the Utility Billing delinquent accounts report (UB/Delinquent Accounts). The report was changed to sort by customer name. Also, a total column was added showing the total amount the customer owes (i.e., amount overdue plus penalty).

2) Added an edit to prevent you from deleting an invoice for which a check record has been created but not yet printed (BA/Invoices).

Version 4.90 (6/1/2010)

1) Added a new feature to make corrections to data entry errors. This affects only a single user.

Version 4.89 (5/28/2010)

1) Made some minor procedural changes related to creating electronic checks (BA/Create Electronic Check Records).

2) Added a new feature that allows you to test a remote connection to a GS database when setting up a second (networked) computer to use GS.

Version 4.88 (5/6/2010)

1) Added an edit feature that checks to make sure the budget detail totals reported on the fund detail statements (BA/Reports/Fund Detail (Year-End Statements)) equal the budget totals reported on the fund summary statements (Fund Summary (Monthly Statements)).

2) Corrected a problem related to the Payroll Pay Detail report (PR/Inquiry - Pay Detail Report). There is no problem with the underlying payroll records.

Version 4.87 (5/2/2010)

1) Added a new Pet Licenses report (Misc/Pet Licenses/Inquiries). To view the report, sort by License No. and click on Print Summary.

2) Added a new option for printing the financial statements for the Annual Financial Report (BA/Reports/AFR Financial Statements - Budgetary Basis).

3) Corrected a problem related to the Payroll Pay Detail report (PR/Inquiry - Pay Detail Report). There is no problem with the underlying payroll records.

Version 4.86 (4/28/2010)

1) Special procedure written for a single city to correct a payroll problem.

Version 4.85 (4/20/2010)

1) Updated the AFR financial statements (GS/Reports/AFR Financial Statements - Budgetary Basis). The changes were cosmetic: 1) dollar signs were added, and 2) blank spaces were replaced with zeros.

2) Changed the year-end payroll encumbrances procedure to liquidate both POs created in the encumbrance process the first day of the following year. Previously only the PO that reverses the current year expenditure portion is liquidated on that date.

3) The addition of a single record to the Municipal Court Reportable Traffic Offenses table (Code 999 - Non-Moving Violation) was removed from the GS Ver. 4.51 upgrade because it interfered with the startup procedures. This change does not affect any current users.

Version 4.84 (3/30/2010)

1) Corrected a problem with printing utility bills for customers using the ACH payment option. If a customer's ACH record was inactivated (UB/Setup/Customers Using ACH Payments), the utility billing would still instruct the cutomer not to pay the bill "thinking" it would be paid by ACH. The problem has been fixed.

Version 4.83 (3/21/2010)

1) Added a new feature that allows you to print cash basis financial statements (BA/Reports/AFR Financial Statements - Cash Basis).

2) Added an edit to the Invoice Detail screen to prevent you from changing the invoice date to a date greater than the check date for paid invoices (BA/Invoices).

3) Made a minor modification to the AFR fund summary budgetary status report (Statement 1) (BA/Reports/AFR Financial Statements - Budgetary Status). The format of the total for the cancelled encumbrances column was changed to show zero by default.

4) Added a new feature to Budgetary Accounting that allows you to print a complete set of "cash basis" financial statements, similar to the budgetary basis financial statements but without any budgetary comparisons. Built into this feature is the ability to print your cash basis statements in Census Bureau code format. To view or test these features use the selection BA/Reports/AFR Financial Statements - Cash Basis.

Version 4.82 (3/7/2010)

1) Corrected problems with the Fund Summary and Fund Detail reports (BA/Reports/Fund Summary (Monthly Statements) and BA/Reports/Fund Detail (Year-End Statements)). These corrections related to invoices that are tied to POs, and most likely did not affect you. If they did affect you, you would have caught any errors during the month-end reconciliation procedures.

Version 4.81 (3/2/2010)

1) Made correction to Check Memo feature introduced in Version 4.80.

Version 4.80 (3/2/2010)

1) Added a new feature that allows you to enter a "memo" that can be printed on a vendor check. The memo is added to the check record at the time you print the check (BA/Print Paper Check).

To add a memo to a check, highlight a single check in the listing and click on Add Memo to Check. If you want to print your account number on the check, you must add the account number to the related vendor record (BA/Setup/Vendors).

2) Added an edit to the Invoice Detail screen to prevent you from changing the invoice date if a PO is attached to it. If it is necessary to change the date of the invoice, the PO must be removed.

Version 4.79 (3/1/2010)

1) Corrected a problem related to creating and printing vendor checks and paychecks.

Version 4.78 (2/28/2010)

1) Modified the Composition of Cash report to alert you if any bank account does not have a Beginning Balance record (Banking/Composition of Cash). Every bank account, including "Other" accounts, such as a petty cash fund, should have a beginning balance at the beginning of every year (Banking/Beginning Account Balances (Per Bank Statement)).

2) Added an edit to the Deposits and Withdrawals screen to prevent you from editing or deleting a cleared deposit (Banking/Deposits and Withdrawals).

3) Corrected a problem with the Utility Billing Delinquency reports (UB/Delinquent Accounts). This problem affected only the report and has been fixed. The underlying billing and customer payment records are okay. If a customer "mistakenly" paid the wrong amount as a result of the delinquency notice, the error will correct itself on the next billing automatically.

4) Corrected a problem with the Budgetary Accounting Fund Summary reports (BA/Reports/Fund Summary (Monthly Summary)). The problem related to the handling of purchase orders. To see if the problem affected you, you can re-print these reports as of 12/31/2009 and 1/31/2010.

Version 4.77 (2/24/2010)

1) Added a new feature to the Utility Billing Customer listing that allows you to delete a customer account number (UB/Setup/Customers). Previously your only option for unused customer account numbers was to inactivate the account.

Two conditions must exist to allow you to delete a customer account: 1) the customer account number must be "Inactive", and 2) the customer account number cannot have any UB Postings in the current year, or the immediate prior year.

Suggestion: Before you delete a customer account number, you should ask yourself: "Is there a need, now or in the future, to do an inquiry on the UB transactions for the customer account?" If you feel comfortable saying "No" to this question, just go ahead and delete the account.

2) Modified the Payroll screens used to View and to Print paychecks (PR/View Paychecks and PR/Print Paychecks). Paycheck adjustments must be printed using a Paper Check, even for employees signed up for Direct Deposit. Before this modification you could not print a Paper Check for an adjustment to a paycheck for a Direct Deposit employee.

Version 4.76 (2/21/2010)

1) Revised the month-end Utility Billing reconciliation procedures. Consistent with the revision, the Utility Billing Reports submenu has been changed to place the "reconciliation" reports in the order they should be printed for the month-end reconciliation (UB/Reports). Also, a new report has bgeen added: Monthly Adjustments for Inactive Customer Accounts (UB/Reports/Monthly Adjustments for Inactive Accounts).

Note: The following GS download documents have been revised: Startup and Month-End Procedures and How to Inactivate a Customer Account Number.

2) Modified the Municipal Court Defendant Detail screen to limit the number of characters that can be entered in certain text boxes (Misc/Municipal Court/Defendants). These "limits" are dictated by State submission requirements.

Version 4.75 (2/14/2010)

1) Corrected a problem with month-end Utility Billing reports. This problem was fixed by adding a "Update" button to the UB Starting a New Year screen (UB/Setup/Starting a New Year). The Update button creates new beginning customer unpaid balances (credits) as of the end of the prior year (12/31/2009 in this case). Please follow these procedures to “close out” 2009 and set up beginning customer unpaid balances (credits) for 2010:

Step1. Set UB year to 2009 (UB/Setup/General Information).

Step 2. Print Accounts Receivable Report for Active customers as of 12/31/2009 (UB/Reports/Accounts Receivable Report).

Step 3. Print Accounts Receivable Report for Inactive customers as of 12/31/2009 (UB/Reports/Accounts Receivable Report).

Step 4. Zero out all inactive customers as of 12/31/2009 (i.e., all should have a zero ending balance at 12/31/2009 (Note: This step can wait until later if you prefer to proceed with the other steps and finish them).

Enter a separate UB distribution record (UB/Setup/Customer Payment and Billing Distribution Records) for each inactive customer account with a non-zero balance at 12/31/2009. Use the largest utility (electric or water) and date the record 12/31/2009. Enter a Receipt record if the ending balance is greater than zero (positive). Enter a Billing record if the ending balance is less than zero (negative). No entry is needed if the ending balance is zero.

Re-Print the report printed in Step 3 to make sure there are no inactive customers with a non-zero balance.

Step 5. Set UB year to 2010 (UB/Setup/General Information).

Step 6. Update beginning customer unpaid balances (credits) (UB/Setup/Starting a New Year).

Step 7. Print Accounts Receivable Report for Active customers as of 1/31/2010 (UB/Reports/Accounts Receivable Report).

Note: If you print this report for “all” customers as well as just customers with a non-zero ending balance, the ending balances on both reports should be the same. However, the beginning balances for the report for “all” customers should equal the ending balances for the prior year, but only because 1) all customers were included in the report, and 2) no customers with a non-zero balance at the end of the prior year have been inactivated yet in the new year.

For this reason, you should understand that this report is not designed to be “tied” to the Accounts Receivable report at the end of the prior year.

Step 8. Print the System-Wide Summary Report as of 1/31/2010 (UB/Reports/System-Wide Summary Report).

Note: The Year-to-Date Ending Unpaid Balance should tie to the penny to the ending balance total in the Accounts Receivable report. If there is a difference, the System-Wide Summary report likely includes one or more inactive accounts that have not been zeroed out. .

2) Replaced the Billing and Payment History report with a similar report - Accounts Receivable (UB/Reports/Accounts Receivable Report).

3) Corrected a problem with the Invoices Inquiries screen (BA/Inquiries/Inquiry - Invoices) in which an error message would pop up if you had been using GS for only one year.

4) Added an Informational Message when inactivating a customer account number reminding you to zero out a customer's account balance before inactivating the account number (UB/Setup/Customers).

5) Modified the Cash Receipts Inquiry to allow you to query history records (BA/Inquiries/Inquiry - Cash Receipts).

6) Made a minor modification to AFR Statement 1 (BA/Reports/AFR Financial Statements). The "Note" at the bottom of the statement was changed.

Version 4.74 (2/7/2010)

1) Modified the procedures for displaying electronic checks (BA/Create Electronic Check Records). Previously some electronic checks could not be displayed because they "appeared" to have been cleared.

2) Modified the Inquiry procedures for Checks (BA/Inquiries/Inquiry - Checks). This modification was needed to avoid picking up historical invoices when selecting a check to dispaly invoices paid by the check.

Version 4.73 (1/28/2010)

1) Corrected a problem with printing the W-2 Form in which the State Employer ID was not being completely printed.

2) Corrected a problem in which an invoice could be deleted after it had been paid by "Electronic Check". It is unlikely you experienced this problem even accidently or you would have discovered it in the month-end BA reconciliation procedures.

3) Corrected a problem when printing the "AFR" financial statements. Statement 3 capital projects funds were being printed before debt service funds (BA/Reports/AFR Financial Statements).

Version 4.72 (1/17/2010)

1) Modified the procedures to enter general entity setup informtion (GS Startup/General Entity Setup Information). The menu selection takes you directly to the detail screen instead of to the Entity listing.

2) Made minor modification to the procedure that creates the single PDF file containing all AFR financial statements (BA/Reports/AFR Financial Statements).

3) Added a special procedure to correct a problem in one city's database file.

Version 4.71 (1/13/2010)

1) Modified the upload and download procedures to be consistent with the new website address (

Version 4.70 (1/10/2010)

1) Modified the title and margins for AFR Statements 1, 2, and 3 (BA/Reports/AFR Financial Statements). Also added a footnote to the statements.

2) Corrected a problem when voiding a check dated in a prior year (BA/Void Checks). When you void a check that was issued in a prior year, the related invoice should be deleted but was not. The problem has been fixed.

3) Modified several utility billing reports to expand the grand total space to allow the display of amounts greater than one million dollars (UB/Reports).

4) Two new download documents were created - How to Handle a Customer Billing After a Meter Replacement and How to Handle a Refund to a Customer With a Credit Balance. Five other download documents were updated (look for those dated 1/10/2010).

Version 4.69 (1/3/2010)

1) Corrected a problem related to drivers license reinstatements (Misc/Municipal Court/Drivers License Suspensions and Reinstatements). The "Locator Number" for the reinstatement was changed to match the related suspension.

2) Added a new feature that allows you to create a single PDF file containing a complete set of financial statements prepared using the budgetary basis of accounting (BA/Reports/AFR Financial Statements).

Version 4.68 (12/26/2009)

1) Payroll information updated for wages paid in 2010. After installing this upgrade you should go to BA/Setup and check Tax Rates and Tax Tables to be sure new rates and withholding tables dated 1/1/2010 were created.

2) Tested Form W-2, Form W-3, Form 1099, and Form 1096. Three of the four forms were updated with format changes.

3) Added a new feature that allows you to enter financial data for component units, such as your local library (BA/Setup/Component Units - Data Entry). You can also print a detailed report. This feature is intended to allow you the option to include your city's component unit(s) with your annual financial report.

Version 4.67 (12/14/2009)

1) Modified the Fund Summary reports to remove inactive funds with no transactions during the year (BA/Reports/Fund Summary (Monthly Reports)).

Ver 4.66 (12/13/2009)

1) Changed an informational message when posting Payroll to Budgetary Accounting (PR/Post Paychecks to Budgetary Accounting). If an employee does not have a designated Primary Pay Type, the message explains which screen to use (PR/Employee Data (Personal Data Tab)).

2) Updated Census Bureau default codes for Expenditure Department codes and Expenditure Object codes. Census Bureau coded reports have not been created yet.

3) Redesigned the Budgetary Status report that is intended for use in your annual financial report (BA/Reports/Fund Summary (Monthly Summary)).

4) Created a new fund summary report that reconciles ending unencumbered case to ending cash. This report is intended for use with your annual financial report (BA/Reports/Fund Summary (Monthly Summary)).

Ver 4.65 (12/06/2009)

1) Added U.S. Census Bureau coding system to allow you to print reports that conform to their (Census Bureau) reporting requirements.

2) Added a new feature to create electronic files (comma delimited text files) for your auditor. These files can be sent to your auditor by email. The data in the files can be imported into databases or spreadsheets for analysis.

The following files are available: Trial Balance Summary - Cash Basis, Trial Balance Detail - Cash Basis (transaction detail supporting trial balance summary), Trial Balance Summary - Budgetary Basis, Trial Balance Detail - Budgetary Basis (transaction detail supporting trial balance summary), Cash Disbursements By Vendor, Listing of Vendors, and Listing of Utility Customers.

Note: The information in these files is also available in hard copy reports.

3) Updated the Budgetary Accounting procedures to start a new year (BA/Setup/Starting a New Year).

4) Modified several Utility Billing procedures that use records from the Utility Postings beginning balances table. These procedures include the following: the penalty calculation procedure, the customer payment procedure, the delinquent accounts reports, the monthly system-wide summary report, and the billing and payment history report.

5) Modified the Payroll data entry screen for entering hours to determine gross pay (PR/Paychecks - Create New and Edit Old Records). The detail data entry screen now includes a button to enter leave.

6) The Compact and Repair button on the Backup screen is now functional. To use it you must click on Yes (to Back Up) when exiting GS. Please refer to the GS download document Backup Procedures for more information.

7) A "special procedure" button has been added to the Special Procedures screen (GS Startup/Special Procedures). The button is: Delete Data Tables No Longer Being Used. This procedure does not affect you if you have been using GS for one year or less.

This procedure removes old data tables in your database that were discontinued with the new revision. Virtually all of the data in these discontinued tables has been copied over to other tables (mostly what we call history tables) which will remain in your database.

We will contact you individually in the next month or so to "clean up" your database file and make a permanent backup copy of your database before we delete the old tables. The entire process will take only a few minutes.

8) Made minor modifications to the Summary of Budgetary Status reports (BA/Reports/Fund Summary (Monthly Reports)). The totals for the last two columns of the report (Budgeted Expenditures and Remaining Budget) were removed.

9) Added a new feature to allow you to create an electronic PDF file for certain reports instead of printing them. This feature is available for the Fund Summary cash basis financial statement (BA/Reports/Fund Summary), the Fund Summary budgetary status financial statement (BA/Reports/Fund Summary), and the Fund Detail financial statements (BA/Reports/Fund Detail).

This feature is primarily intended for use by those cities that prepare their own annual financial report.

Ver 4.64 (11/09/2009)

1) Modified the informational message and related procedure in the Version 4.63 upgrade. The procedure was picking up payroll adjustments with an arrearage. It is very unlikely this affected you.

Ver 4.63 (11/04/2009)

1) Added an informational message on GS startup to warn you of a problem with Direct Deposit paycheck records. If you have corrupted records you will be instructed to contact Technical Support for assistance.

Ver 4.62 (11/03/2009)

1) Corrected a problem caused when posting Direct Deposit paychecks to Budgetary Accounting (PR/Post Paychecks to Budgetary Accounting). If you use the Payroll Direct Deposit feature, you should contact Technical Support for assistance.

Note: This problem resulted from some program code changes with the Ver. 4.59 upgrade dated 9/29/2009.

Ver 4.61 (10/25/2009)

1) Corrected a problem in which various reports that pick up cancelled encumbrances were not picking up "negative" encumbrances (e.g., Payroll Encumbrances). This affected three reports - Summary of Budgetary Status, Fund Detail Budgetary Comparison, and Budgetary Receipt Detail By Fund.

2) Added "Progress Bars" to several Utility Billing reports.

3) Modified two time-consuming Utility Billing procedures that allow you to "Stop" the procedure before it is finished. The procedures are Printing Billings (UB/Print Billings) and Updating Delinquent Accounts (UB/Delinquent Accounts). To Stop either procedure you can click on the "Stop" button located right below the button used to start the procedure. Caution: If you Stop the procedure, an incomplete report will result. However, you can re-run the procedure later to get a complete report.

4) Corrected a problem when printing expenditure adjustments with a fund selected (BA/Expenditure Adjustments).

5) Added some procedures to repair corrupted data created during the conversion to the new revision. These procedures apply to only one city and are implemented automatically upon installing this new Version.

Ver 4.60 (10/18/2009)

1) Modified the utility billing procedures to print billings in numerical sequence by customer account number (UB/Print Billings).

2) Added two new reports that allow you to print outstanding encumbrances grouped by Fund: 1) Outstanding Purchase Orders (BA/Reports/Outstanding POs Report), and 2) Unpaid Invoices (BA/Reports/Unpaid Invoices Report).

3) Created a procedure to check for a possible problem with pay types. It is unlikely you have the problem being checked for. If you do, a message will appear on the screen when you start GS, explaining what to do.

4) Modified the screen for the entry of Gross Pay. The column headers for the listing were re-alligned slightly.

5) Added two new landlord reports (UB/Setup/Landlords).

Ver 4.59 (10/1/2009)

1) Made a minor modification to the Payroll Posting procedure (PR/Post Paychecks to Budgetary Accounting). An informational message was changed. Also, the display listing was modified to display "Adjustment" where appropriate.

2) Made a minor modification to the View Paychecks procedure (PR/View Paychecks). The message that a paycheck has not been printed was removed for paycheck adjustments where the net pay was less than or equal to zero.

3) Corrected a problem when changing the vendor for a previously created purchase order (BA/Purchase Orders (Encumbrances)).

Ver 4.58 (9/29/2009)

1) Added a new feature that requires you to enter monthly bank statement balances into the computer. The intent of this new feature is to provide additional assurance that the bank accounts are properly reconciled every month.

2) Mondified the procedures for handling deposited cash receipts. If a cash receipt has been deposited, you can no longer delete the cash receipt record. Also, you cannot change the cash receipt amount after the receipt has been deposited.

Note: Procedures have been written on how to handle various problems with cash receipt entries. These procedures are available for download.

3) Made a slight modification to the procedure for entering or editing a bank account. A message was added explaiing that a fund requiring a separate checking account, such as a Grant Fund, must be edited (BA/Setup/Funds Listing) and the separate bank account must be designated in the fund detail record.

Ver 4.57 (9/15/2009)

1) Modified the GS Backup procedures to be consistent with the new CMW website launched on 9/13/2009.

Ver 4.56 (9/7/2009)

1) Made slight modifications to the utility billing format. Specifically the defaut "amount" value was changed from a hyphen (-) to zero (0) for Adjustments, Sales Tax, Other Charges, and Unpaid Balance Forward (Credit).

2) Modified the Backup procedures to avoid error messages in cases where the database file is corrupted.

3) Modified the electronic submission file in the Municipal Cout module to be consistent with new State rules on submission. Previously the STO or statutory reference for Major convictions distinguished the "type of reference" by using the word "Statute" or "STO".

4) Modified the procedure for submitting diversions to the State. These procedures affected both the "Disposition" of the case (Misc/Municipal Court/Cases/Disposition Tab) and the creation of the "upload" file submitted to the State (Misc/Municipal Court/Reportable Traffic Offenses - Create File for State). Previously a DUI diversion required the RTO code DI1. As of November 2009 the RTO code DI8 must be used.

Ver 4.55 (8/31/2009)

1) Corrected a problem with several BA inquiries (BA Inquiries). An error was popping up for new users because they did not have any transactions dated prior to 1/1/2008. The problem has been fixed.

2) Modified the Municipal Court procedure for handling DUI diversion agreements. You must use the RTO code DI8 rather than DI1.

Note: This modification was required because the State changed its procedure for handling DUI diversion agreements. The State apparently simply failed to notify anyone of the change!

Version 4.54 (8/26/2009)

1) Corrected a problem that prevented you from deleting a case (Misc/Municipal Court/Cases). As a part of this correction, an edit was added preventing you from deleting a case if any of the related Minor convictions in the case have been "Reported to State."

2) Corrected a problem in which the Case Detail record was not being properly updated (i.e., Reported to State = N) when the related Minor conviction was deleted from the table of convictions reported to the State (Misc/Municipal Court/Reportable Traffic Offenses - Create File for State).

3) Added a new feature to the GS Backup screen that allows you to download "return" files from the CMW website. Normally you will not use this feature except on specific instructions from Technical Support. The "Backup" screen can only be accessed when you exit GS and click on Yes in the closing message.

Version 4.53 (8/23/2009)

1) Added a new feature that allows you to do Check inquiries on historical data (BA/Inquiries/Inquiry - Checks).

Note: When testing this new feature it was discovered that certain checks did not "match up" to the related invoices. This problem likely resulted from the conversion of the historical data. The Problem appears to have affected only "Electronic checks" dated prior to 1/1/2008. All checks dataed 1/1/2008 and later including electronic payments, were not affected.

2) Modified various Utility Billing reports (UB/Reports). A dropdown box was added allowing you to select a monthly report without entering a data range. Reports affected by this are: Utility Usage, Customer Payments, Customer Payment Distributions, Cash Receipts By Utility, and Customer Type Reports.

3) Made a minor modification to the Municipal Court Reportable Traffic Offenses report (Misc/Municipal Court/Setup/Standard (State) Reportable Traffic Offenses.

4) Added serveral new download documents: Changes to Reportable Traffic Offenses (MC), How to Inactivate a Customer Account Number (UB), and How to Use the Landlords Feature (UB).

Version 4.52 (8/18/2009)

1) Corrected a problem with the creation of Utility Billing Customer Beginning Unpaid Balances in GS Ver. 4.51. Credit balances were not computed correctly. To fix this problem you MUST re-run the same procedure that created the original balances: GS Startup/Special Procedures/Create Customer Beginning Unpaid Balances. If you did not run the procedure when you installed GS Ver. 4.51, just run it using GS Ver. 4.52 and you will be ok. Keep in mind this procedure only affects cities that were using the GS UB module in 2008.

2) Modified the Pay Detail report for multiple employees and a single paycheck issue date (PR/Inquiry - Pay Detail Report). Previously the employee name and the related pay detail information were being separated at the bottom of each page of the report.

Version 4.51 (8/16/2009)

1) Corrected a problem in the Utility Billing module in which "other charges" were not being properly reflected in the related billing distribution records. To test if you have any corrupted records, follow these steps:

Step 1: Click on GS Startup/Special Procedures

Step 2: Click on Check for UB Other Charges in Dist. Records

If you have any corrupted records you will see a message on the screen advising you to contact Technical Support to determine how to fix the corrupted record(s).

Any corrupted records are fairly easy to fix. You must locate the related billing distribution records (UB/Setup/Customer Payment and Billing Distribution Records) and add the "other amount" to one of the Billing distribution records already there.

IMPORTANT: Please contact Technical Support and we can walk you through the necessary fixes. We want to make sure you get "before and after" printouts of the related records.

2) Changed how customer account balances are tracked in the Utility Billing module. A new set of customer records show the unpaid amount for each customer and utility as of the last day of the prior year. These records are similar to the UB distribution records and are created automatically at the beginning of each new year. If necessary, these records can be changed using UB/Setup/Customer Beginning Unpaid Balances.

IMPORTANT: If you used the UB module in 2008, you MUST create "Beginning Unpaid Balances" using GS Setup/Special Procedures/Create Customer Beginning Unpaid Balances. This procedure might take 30 minutes or more depending on the number of customers and the speed of your computer. After the records have been created, you can view (or change) them using UB/Setup/Customer Beginning Unpaid Balances.

3) Modified the UB Billing and Payment History reports (UB/Reports/Billing and Payment History Report).

IMPORTANT: This revised report includes only customers that are active or were active at one time during the current year. That is, a customer will appear in this report only if the related account number has at least one billing or payment during the current year.

4) Modified the UB Monthly System-Wide Summary Report (UB/Reports/Monthly System-Wide Summary Report). In the revised report, the Changes in Unpaid Balance include only customers that are active or were active at one time during the current year.

5) Corrected a problem created during the "Municipal Court" update (GS Ver. 4.46 upgrade). The RTO Code 999 was not added as a "Reportable Traffic Offense" (Misc/Municipal Court/Setup/Standard (State) Reportable Traffic Offenses).

Note: The 999 RTO code is not on the list of the State's Reportable Traffic Offenses. However, it is needed to report "non-moving" violations.

6) Added a new feature that allows you to do Cash Receipt inquiries on historical data (BA/Inquiries/Inquiry - Cash Receipts).

7) Added a new feature that allows you to do Invoice inquiries on historical data (BA/Inquiries/Inquiry - Invoices).

8) Modified the Payroll benefits and deductions reports "By Benefit and Deduction Name", Summary and Detail (PR/Reports/Payroll Benefits and Deductions Report). The Grand Total for the Gross Pay column was removed.

Version 4.50 (8/2/2009)

1) Corrected a problem printing the "monthly" Fund Summary of cash receipts and cash disbursements (BA/Reports/Fund Summary (Monthly Statements)).

2) Corrected a problem in which a utility customer's deposit was not included as a credit to the customer's billing.

3) Made a slight modification to the Utility Billing monthly system-wide summary report to prevent a second (blank) page from printing (UB/Reports/Monthly System-Wide Summary Report).

Version 4.49 (7/29/2009)

1) Corrected a problem with the UB Billing Exceptions report (UB/Reports/Billing Exceptions Report).

2) Updated two download documents: Installation Instructions and Backup Procedures. Added two new download documents: Payroll Pay Types and GS Annual Support Agreement 2009.

Version 4.48 (7/27/2009)

1) Added two special procedures (GS Startup/Special Procedures) to deal with specific data problems with two cities. These problems were related to the recent conversion to the new revision.

Version 4.47 (7/26/2009)

1) Corrected a problem with the report of outstanding purchase orders (BA/Reports/Outstanding POs Report).

2) Added a new Fund Summary report: Monthly Summary of Cash Receipts and Cash Disbursements. Previously only a Year-to-Date report was available. This report can be found at BA/Reports/Fund Summary (Monthly Reports).

3) Corrected a problem with the Fund Summary Budgetary Status report (BA/Reports/Fund Summary (Monthly Statements)). The problem involved only specific instances related to purchase orders that had been invoiced.

4) Modified the Database Backup screen to simplify making a backup copy of your database file. A new feature was also added that allows you to 1) make a zipped backup of your database, and 2) upload it to the CMW website.

Version 4.46 (7/21/2009)

1) Updated the Municipal Court Reportable Traffic Offense Codes and the "Suspension" Traffic Offense Codes. This update makes these codes consistent with those required by the State of Kansas as reflected in "Attachment #3" and "Attachment #7". These updates are effective July 1, 2009.

To implement this update follow these three steps:

Step 1: Use GS Startup/Special Procedures and click on Delete Reportable Traffic Codes.

Step 2: Use Misc/Municipal Court/Setup/Standard (State) Reportable Traffic Offenses. This will automatically create the new, updated Reportable Traffic Offenses (both Major and Minor).

Step 3: Use Misc/Municipal Court/Setup/Standard (State) Suspension Traffic Offenses. This will automatically create the new, updated Suspension Traffic Offenses.

Version 4.45 (7/20/2009)

1) Made minor modification to the Payroll screen used to enter hours for paycheck (PR/Paychecks - Create New or Edit Old Records).

2) Deleted unneeded messages when displaying Utility Billing distribution records (UB/Setup/Customer Payment and Billing Distribution Records).

3) Corrected a problem loading default Pay Types when starting up with a new database.

4) Corrected a problem in which the next PO Number was not automatically displaying on the screen when entering a new Purchase Order.

5) Added a Special Procedure to correct a problem with UB distribution records resulting from the conversion (affects only one city).

6) Made various changes that affected only new users starting up GS for the first time.

Version 4.44 (7/5/2009)

1) Made various modifications to Pay Types as they relate to Workers Comp Class Codes. For more information about "Business Rules" relating to Pay Types, you can download a discussion of Pay Types (look under Payroll documents).

2) An Active Status designation has been added to Pay Types. This will allow you to inactivate Pay Types that you do not want to use anymore.

3) A Primary Pay Type has been added as part of the overall Employee Personal Data record. Each active employee's personal data record (PR/Employee) has been assigned a Primary Pay Type automatically. The Funding Percentages and the Workers Comp Class Code for the Primary Pay Type will be used as default values for any of the employee's other "non-specific" Pay Types that lack this information. You can view, and change, the designated Primary Pay Type by accessing the employee's personal data record (PR/Employee).

Version 4.43 (6/28/2009)

1) Expanded the Payroll reports showing gross pay and hours paid by Pay type (PR/Reports/Gross Pay By Pay Type).

2) Added new Payroll reports showing gross pay and hours paid by Workers Comp Class Code (PR/Reports/Gross Pay By Workers Comp Class Code).

3) Made minor modifications to the Interfund Transfers report (BA/Interfund Transfers).

Version 4.42 (6/25/2009)

1) Corrected a problem with the procedure that reverses the Paycheck Postings to Budgetary Accounting (PR/Post Paychecks to Budgetary Accounting). Is is very unlikely you experienced this problem. If you attempted to reverse a posting and GS appeared to stop working, you could contact Technical Support and we can determine for sure if there was a problem.

Version 4.41 (6/22/2009)

1) Corrected a problem with the Utility Billings Delinquent Accounts reports (UB/Delinquent Accounts).

Version 4.40 (6/22/2009)

1) Added a "Progress Bar" to several Utility Billing reports that process a large number of records and take more processing time than the average report. Reports affected include: a)Billings Exception Report, b) Delinquent Account reports, c) Sales Tax Report, and d) Customer Type reports. The Progress Bar was also placed on the screen that is used to print utility billings (UB/Print Billings).

2) Added new options to the Payroll Benefit and Deduction reports (PR/Reports/Payroll Benefits and Deductions Report). You can now print Benefit and Deduction reports by "Remittance Vendor" or by Benefit and Deduction Name. The latter report includes Gross Pay for the related Benefit/Deduction Name.

3) Modified several "report" screens to more clearly describe the transaction register in each of the three main GS modules (BA, UB, and PR): a) Check Register (BA/Inquiries/Inquiry - Checks), b) Billings Register (UB/Reports/Utility Billings Register), and 3) Payroll Register (PR/Inquiry - Pay Detail Report).

4) Corrected an error in the Vendor ACH Payments report (BA/Create Vendor ACH Payment or Pre-Note File).

5) Added an edit to the Cash Deposits screen (BA/Cash Receipts Deposit). The new edit will not allow you to enter a deposit date that is earlier than any of the cash receipts being deposited.

6) Corrected a problem in the payroll calculation of Federal Unemployment Tax and State Unemployment Tax. This problem affected only employee paychecks in which the employee is subject to federal unemployment tax or state unemployment tax AND the employee is NOT subject to federal withholding tax or state withholding tax.

7) Modified the Federal and State Unemployment Tax report (PR/Reports/Federal and State Unemployment Tax).

Version 4.39 (6/14/2009)

1) Corrected a problem in which duplicate transaction numbers were created for cash receipt deposits. This affected only one report, cash receipts contained in a specific bank deposit (Banking/Inquiries - Bank transactions). If you were affected by this problem you will be contacted on how to correct the duplicate numbers (it takes only about two minutes).

2) Modified the Electronic Check creation screen to allow you to create electronic checks one at a time (BA/Create Electronic Check Records). Previously, if there wre multiple unpaid invoices designated to be paid by electronic check, checks for all of the invoices would be created automatically with the single date entered.

Version 4.38 (6/11/2009)

1) Corrected a problem when printing Utility Billing Meter Reading Cards (UB/Reports/Meter Reading Cards).

2) Corrected a problem in which duplicate check numbers were created during conversion to the new revision. This affected only one city and we fixed the problem.

3) Modified Payroll Cost By Employee reports (Summary and Detail) to sort by Employee Name rather than by Social Security number (PR/Reports/Payroll Costs By Fund and By Employee).

4) Modified the Utility Billing customer search feature (UB/Search Customers).

5) Modified the report processing procedure.

Version 4.37 (6/9/2009)

1) Corrected a problem that created duplicate invoices during conversion to the new revision. It is unlikely you are affected by this. But if you are, you will be contacted on how to correct the duplicates (it takes less than two minutes).

2) Corrected a problem when entering utility billing customer payments (UB/Customer Payments). Upon clicking OK to lock in the entry, the payment entered is compared to the amount due. The amount due was being calculated incorrectly. If you okayed such payment, your entry was properly recorded and there would have been no corruption of any data.

Version 4.36 (6/7/2009)

1) Added a new feature that allows you to enter a description for cash receipts that have a "Receipt Book" entry (BA/Cash Receipts). Reports showing "Receipt Book" information (Number and Description) can be printed using the Cash Receipts Inquiry screen (BA/Inquiries/Inquiry - Cash Receipts).

2) Modified the utility Billing Register to allow you to print the report sorted by Customer Name or Account Number (UB/Reports/Utility Billings Register). Previously the report was printed by Account Number.

3) Modified the Customer Payments report to allow you to print the report sorted by Date, Customer Name, or Account Number (UB/Reports/Customer Payments Report). Previously the report was printed by Date and Account Number.

4) Modified the Docket Summary report to sort in Defendant Name order (Misc/Municipal Court/Reports/Docket Summary). Previously the report was sorted by Case Number.

5) Modified the Cases Inquiry to correct a problem with a report (Misc/Municipal Court/Inquiry - Cases). Related reports were also modified to sort by Defendant Name rather than by Case Number..

Version 4.35 (6/2/2009)

1) Corrected a problem creating municipal court text files to be submitted to the State (Misc/Municipal Court/Reportable Traffic Offenses - Create File for State).

2) Corrected an error in setting up defendant payment schedules (Misc/Municipal Court/Defendant payment Schedules).

3) Corrected an error in the Municipal Court delinquent payment report (Misc/Municipal Court/Delinquent Payment Report and Letters).

Version 4.34 (5/31/2009)

1) Modified the reports for Outstanding Paper Checks, Outstanding Electronic Checks, Cleared Paper Checks, and Cleared Electronic Checks. All of these reports can be printed using the Banking menu.

2) Revised the GS download file: Governmental Suite - Backup Procedures.

3) Modified the entry of budgeted receipt amendments and the related Budgeted Receipts report (BA/Setup/Detailed Budgeted Receipts.

4) Modified the entry of budgeted expenditure amendments and the related Budgeted Expenditures report (BA/Setup/Detailed Budgeted Expenditures.

5) Modified the Fund Detail statements (BA/Reports/Fund Detail (Year-End Statements)). These statements are designed as year-end statements. Funds that are budgeted can be printed in "Budgetary Comparison" format, or they can be printed with a single, "Actual Only" column.

6) Added a second "Close" button to the Invoice Detail screen to make it more convenient to exit the form after entering Invoice line items (BA/Invoices).

7) Corrected a problem computing the penalty on certain utility billings (UB/Print Billings). This problem did not affect any billings printed prior to June 1, 2009.

Version 4.33 (5/25/2009)

1) Added Select All and UnSelect All command buttons to the BA Cash Receipts Deposit screen (BA/Cash Receipts Deposit).

2) Modified all screens containing "check" boxes and "option" buttons to highlight the box or button when it is selected.

3) Modified the appearance of the UB Billing and Payment History report (UB/Reports/Billing and Payment History Report).

4) Modified the BA Interfund Transfers screen to allow you more flexibility in locating and editing transfers (BA/Interfund Transfers).

5) Modified the BA Interfund Transfer Inquiries screen to allow you more flexibility viewing and printing transfers (BA/Inquiries/Interfund Transfers).

6) Modified the Cemetery Management database structure to be compatible with the conversion from SQL Server to Access 2007 (i.e., field name changed from Space to LotSpace). This will not have any effect on any data you already have in the system or new data you might enter.

7) Modified the UB inquiry screen for customer billings and payments (UB/Inquiry - Billings and Payments) to give you several options to sort customer billings and payments. Previously, all records displayed on the screen were in date order. Reports were not changed.

8) Modified the dropdown boxes on numerous screens to display only "active" records. This modification involves the selection of Funds, Receipt Codes, Department Codes, and Object Codes.

9) Disabled the feature that allows you to move from one text box to the next using the Enter key. This affects only Vista computers. Supposedly Microsoft fixed this problem in Vista RC1. Hence, some Vista machines might work properly.

Version 4.32 (5/18/2009)

1) Corrected a conversion problem in which the Active Status of all Benefit and Deduction records were set to "inactive" during conversion. The correction involved setting the most recently dated deduction (for each type of Benefit and Deduction) to active (PR/Setup/Benefits and Deductions).

2) Corrected a problem when editing vendors for payroll tax remittances (PR/Setup/Vendors for Payroll Tax Remittances).

Version 4.31 (5/14/2009)

1) Corrected a problem entering municipal court text file location (MISC/Setup - General Information).

2) Corrected a problem updating the listing on the UB Delinquent Accounts screen (UB/Delinquent Accounts).

Version 4.30 (5/11/2009)

1) Made minor modifications to the backup procedures.

2) Corrected a problem creating drivers license suspensions (MISC/Municipal Court/Drivers License Suspensions and Reinstatements).

Version 4.29 (5/9/2009)

1) Corrected a problem when attempting to create paper check (or electronic check) records (BA/Create Paper Check Records).

2) Added an edit to the procedure when entering gross pay (PR/Paychecks - Create New and Edit Old Records). The new edit checks to ensure Pay Detail has been updated if a gross pay entry has been made.

Version 4.28 (5/8/2009)

1) Upgraded to new database format (Access 2007).

Version 4.27 (4/9/2009)

1) Corrected a problem in which the "Voided Check" report would not print prior to voiding the check (BA/Void Checks). The problem involved only the report and not the voiding of the check.

2) Corrected a problem related to setting the Text Box Color (GS Startup/Set Text Box Color).

3) Modified the Benefits and Deductions report in the PR module to allow you to print the report by vendor (PR/Reports/Payroll Benefits and Deductions Report). This new feature will allow you to print all "remittances" for a paycheck issue date that need to be paid to a single vendor.

Important: To use this new feature you must first "assign" each benefit or deduction to the vendor that you must pay the remittance check to. To do this, use PR/Setup/Vendors for Payroll Tax Remittances.

4) Modified the procedures to create paper and electronic check records. To simplify the creation of check records, separate menu selections were created for paper checks and electronic checks.

5) Modified the Fund Summary reports to include a new report for the governing body. The new report is identical to the current report showing a summary of cash receipts and cash disbursements but includes the "composition of cash" (BA/Reports/Fund Summary Reports).

Version 4.26 (3/29/2009)

1) Modified the State Tax Deposit Information Report to include the option of printing either a Summary report or a Detail report (PR/Reports). Deposit reports can be printed for a single check issue date, a monthly period, or any date range.

2) Modified the Federal Tax Deposit Information Report to include the option of printing either a Summary report or a Detail report (PR/Reports). Deposit reports can be printed for a single check issue date, a monthly period, or any date range.

3) Modified the Form 941 Quarterly Information Report to include the option of printing either a Summary report or a Detail report (PR/Reports).

Note: Federal Form 941 has been revised and is effective January 1, 2009. GS will no longer print the actual Form 941. Instead you should use the Form 941 Quarterly Information Report as an input document to submit your Form 941 online. It is far more preferable and more simple to submit this form online. If you need assistance, please contact technical support.

4) Modified the Pay Detail edit screen to allow you to edit gross pay for medicare, federal unemployment tax, and state unemployment tax (PR/View Paychecks).

5) Corrected a problem with the Unpaid Invoices Report in which certain unpaid invoices designated to be paid by electronic payment might be overstated (BA/Reports/Unpaid Invoices Report).

6) Added new reports to the UB Distribution Records screen (UB/Setup/Customer Payment and Billing Distribution Records). The reports are in date order but can be further sorted by either customer account number or utility.

Version 4.25 (3/19/2009)

1) Added new inquiry screens and reports for 1) Interfund Transfers, 2) Cash Receipt Adjustments, and 3) Expenditure Adjustments (BA/Inquiries).

2) Modified the position that information is printed on vendor checks. You should not notice a sigificant change in the printing of your vendor checks, however.

Version 4.24 (3/15/2009)

1) Federal payroll tax withholding tables updated in accordance with the requirements of the new stimulus package. The information was taken from Publication 15-T (March 2009).

2) Added two new fund summary reports (BA/Reports/Fund Summary Reports). The two new reports are designed specifically for the governing body.

The original two reports are the same, but are designated on the screen as "Management Monthly Reconciliation reports." this is consistent with the purpose of the reports: to allow the city clerk to reconcile the "Cash" report (using the cash basis of accounting) and the "Budgetary" report (using the budgetary basis of accounting).

The new reports are similar to the original reports in that one is a "Cash" report and the other is a "Budgetary" report.

The two "Cash" reports are identical except the "governing body" cash report does not include the last two columns that allow the city clerk to "reconcile" to the "Budgetary" report. The reason for this is to minimize possible confusion on the part of the governing body. They do not necessarily need to know the specific relationship between the "Cash" report and the "Budgetary" report. More importantly, the governing body normally would not even need the "Cash" report. However, if they are provided that report, they simply need to understand that the two reports are very different!

3) Modified the Outstanding POs report (BA/Reports/Outstanding POs Report). The new report separates "normal" outstanding POs from those that were created using the Payroll Encumbrances feature. Note that the outstanding payroll encumbrances will have negative amounts. That is normal and these "negative" payroll encumbrances will continue to be outstanding until you move to the next budget year.

4) Added two new reports that display Budgetary Receipts by type of receipt (BA/Reports/Budgetary Receipt Detail By Fund). You can print a summary and a detailed report.

Version 4.23 (3/7/2009)

1) Modified the GS Startup procedures.

Version 4.22 (3/7/2009)

1) Modified the GS Startup procedures.

Version 4.21 (3/2/2009)

1) Modified the GS Startup procedures.

2) Corrected a problem with the Special Procedures selection Check and Repair Gross Pay Records (GS Startup/Special Procedures). This selection previously would "lock up" Governmental Suite if the related "problem" paycheck had multiple pay types for a single paycheck.

3) Corrected a problem which prevented you from editing the Gross Pay for a paycheck that had not yet been printed (PR/Paychecks - Create New and Edit Old Records).

Version 4.20 (2/25/2009)

1) Corrected a problem in which the "text box color" temporarily changed if you changed the color of a menu selection item.

2) Corrected a problem in the Payroll module which caused the Payroll Postings to Budgetary Accounting to have "random" errors. Contact technical support for guidance on how to check for problems and repair "corrupted" records.

Note: Only postings to BA were affected by this problem. The Pay Detail records were computed properly.

3) Added two "special procedures" to check and repair payroll problems (GS Startup/Special Procedures).

Version 4.19 (2/19/2009)

1) Added a new (second) cash disbursements report that is grouped by fund (BA/Reports/Cash Disbursements Report). The other report is grouped by check number. Both reports can be printed in both summary and detailed format.

2) Modified the procedures for voiding checks (BA/Void Checks). If you need to void a check you can download the "Void and Reprint Checks" document.

Version 4.18 (2/15/2009)

1) Modified the procedures to follow when a check is voided. This includes a new feature that maintains the integrity of the budgetary accounts if an invoice dated the prior budget year is deleted. When you void a check it important that you follow the related instructions which can be downloaded.

2) Corrected a problem with the Expenditure Detail By Fund Report (BA/Reports/Expenditure Detail By Fund). Previously, this report was picking up some encumbrances that were liquidated and should not have been included in the report.

3) Made a slight modification to the Summary Expenditure Approval Report (BA/Reports/Expenditure Approval Report). The check number and electronic payment number were reformated to remove commas separating thousands.

4) Made a change to a column title on the budgetary status fund summary report (BA/Reports/Fund Summary Reports). "Expenditures" was changed to "Budgetary Expenditures"

Version 4.17 (2/11/2009)

1) Added a new feature that allows you to enter budgeted expenditures at the fund level. That is, you can enter a budgeted expenditure total for the entire fund without entering any detailed expenditure amounts. These totals will appear on the "Budgetary Status" fund summary report (BA/Reports/Fund Summary Report).

To enter budgeted exepnditure totals for each fund, use BA/Setup/Budget Expenditure Totals By Fund.

2) Corrected a problem when voiding electronic checks.

3) Corrected a problem when attempting to print the Expenditure Approval Report (BA/Reports/Expenditure Approval Report).

Version 4.16 (2/10/2009)

1) Added an edit to the Payroll Encumbrance procedure to check if any of the selected paychecks have not been posted (BA/Payroll Encumbrances).

2) Added a new feature that allows you to restore unused budget expenditure authority from a previously invoiced PO (BA/Restore Budget Exp Authority for Invoiced PO). This procedure creates a new PO in the amount of the original PO less the amount used by the invoice, and is dated the same date as the original PO.

3) Modified the Fund Detail reports to allow you to print only a single report at a time (BA/Reports/Fund Detail Reports).

4) Added default codes for Pet License receipts. Changed descriptions for utility funds, departments and related budget codes.

Note: These changes in default codes will not change any codes you currently are using. To change your current codes you can use BA/Setup.

5) Modified the procedures to reprint vendor checks (but not payroll checks). The BA menu selection to Reprint Vendor Checks was removed. To reprint a vendor check you must follow these steps: a) void the vendor check, b) modify the related invoice(s), if necessary, c) create a new vendor check record, and d) print the new check.

6) Added a new feature that allows you to cancel updates to vendor check records if there is a problem when printing the checks (BA/Print Paper Checks). You can cancel all updates, or you have the option to cancel updates to individual checks.

Note: This feature applies only to vendor paper checks. It does not apply to paychecks printed in the Payroll module.

7) Made minor modifications to Cash Receipts reports.

8) Modified the Expenditure Approval Report (BA/Reports/Expenditure Approval Report). The new report shows all Expenditure Approval items, electronic checks, printed paper checks, and unprinted checks, in a single report. You still have the option to print both a summary and a detailed report.

Version 4.15 (1/24/2009)

1) Made modifications to monthly Fund Summary reports (BA/Reports/Fund Summary Reports).

2) Changed the View Window for reports to open "maximized" to allow you to view the entire width of the report without having to maximize the window yourself.

3) Made minor modification to the Cash Receipt Adjustment Detail screen (BA/Cash Receipt Adjustments). Changed the Fund label to remove Transferred To.

4) Made minor modification to Expenditure Adjustment Detail screen (BA/Expenditure Adjustments). Changed the Fund label to remove Transferred From.

5) Redesigned the GS Startup procedure to prevent an error message from appearing on the screen when starting GS on a remote computer.

6) Corrected an error in the Budgeted Expenditures Detail screen in which an error appeared on the screen if you clicked on the Tab key after entering an Object Code (BA/Setup/Budgeted Expenditures).

7) Changed the description of the Startup main menu item from Start to GS Startup. This was done to reduce the confusion between GS Startup and Microsoft's "Start" button.

8) Modified the procedures for entering budgeted receipts and budgeted expenditures. Before a new budgeted receipt or expenditure can be "Added", you now must select the fund on the screen with the listing before you can Add or Edit using the detail screen.

9) Added the following new default funds and codes:

Fund: Golf Operating Fund (540)

Department Code: Golf Utility (570)

Budget Department Code: Golf Utility (570)

Object Code: Training and Education (258)

Note: These new default codes are NOT automatically added to your account codes. If you have a need for one or more of these codes you must enter them yourself using BA/Setup.

Version 4.14 (1/11/2009)

1) Added a new feature when printing vendor checks. You can now print your Account Number with that check's vendor on the vendor check. The Account Number will print on the stub, next to the city's name, just above the check number.

To use this feature, you must designate your Account Number in the related vendor record (use BA/Setup/Vendors).

Note: This feature is optional for each vendor. If you do not designate an Account Number for any vendor, that part of the check stub will be blank.

2) Updated the GS Installation and Startup Procedures document. The procedures related to installing GS on a remote computer were updated.

Version 4.13 (1/2/2009)

1) Made minor modifications to the Leave Detail entry screen (PR/Enter Leave). You can now make multiple leave entries without returning to the leave listing. However, you can only make multiple entries for one employee at a time. To make multiple entries for a second employee, you must return to the listing to select the "second" employee.

2) New GS documents for GS Version 4.XX can now be downloaded on the GS web page.

3) Corrected a problem when entering the Pay Period Ending Date on the screen that calculates gross pay. Previously you were not allowed to enter a date for the prior year.

4) Modified the Pay Detail reports (PR/Inquiry - Pay Detail Report). Previously the Net Pay field would not display properly for large net pay amounts.

5) Modified the printed Paycheck to expand the Pay Type field. Previously the Pay Type description was being cut off slightly.

Version 4.12 (12/28/2008)

1) Added a new field , Pay Period End Date, to the screen where you enter hours to determine gross pay (PR/Paychecks - Create New or Edit Old Records). The pay period end date is needed for use as a cutoff date for the display of leave balances on the paycheck stub.

The pay period end date is part of the Pay Detail and can be viewed and edited on the Pay Detail screen (PR/View Paychecks).

Version 4.11 (12/27/2008)

1) Added a feature to the Utility Billing module to allow you to estimate the usage for metered utilities on a utility billing (UB/Billing Records - Create New or Edit Old Records).

2) Moved the "automatic" leave accrual to the leave entry screen (PR/Enter Leave). This leave accrual feature previously had been part of the creation of the Pay Detail record where you enter hours for each Pay Type to determine gross pay.

You will still set the vacation and sick leave accruals per pay period using the employee's Personal Data record (PR/Employee Data/Personal Data Tab).

To use the vacation and sick leave accrual feature, follow these steps: 1) select PR/Enter Leave, 2) select employee, 3) enter the pay period ending date you want to accrue leave for, and 4) click on Accrue Leave for Selected Employee for Paycheck Issue Date. Accrual entries for the date entered will appear in the listing for the employee.

To determine the leave balance that will appear on an employee's paycheck stub, follow these steps: 1) select PR/Enter Leave, 2) enter the paycheck issue date as the Report Date, and 3) click on Print Detail. This report is presented for the year-to-date, but you can see in the detail the amounts earned and used by the employee.

The paycheck stub will show leave balances as of the pay period ending date for the new check to be issued. Also, the leave balances are presented for the current pay period (i.e., since the pay period ending date for the previous check issue to the employee.

Version 4.10 (12/22/2008)

1) Added an edit to the Employee Data screen to prevent a Pay Type from being added to an employee unless the appropriate "funding percentages" have been set (PR/Employee Data).

You should check to make sure all Pay Types that you have been assigned to employees have proper funding percentages. To check if you might have mistakenly added a Pay Type without proper funding percentages to an employee, follow these steps:

1) Select PR/Employee Data

For each employee:

2) Highlight Employee

3) Click on Pay Types

For each Pay Type:

4) Highlight Pay Type

5) Click on Correction

6) Click on OK

If the funding percentages are improper, you will get an error message. If that happens, that Pay Type must be corrected using PR/Setup/Pay Types.

Repeat for remaining Pay Types for selected employee.

Then repeat for remaining employees.

Version 4.09 (12/21/2008)

1) Payroll information updated for wages to be paid in 2009. This will not affect paychecks yet to be issued in 2008. To check the new rates use PR/Setup and select tax tables and tax rates.

2) Added a feature to automatically assign Bank Number when entering a bank record (use selections Banking/Banks).

3) Modified the vendor detail screen to automatically assign the number one to the first vendor added.

4) Modified the Bank Account detail screen to provide "Bank Account Code" examples.